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Amoco model [pdf 524K]
Trevor Irons
The Amoco dataset found within the Madagascar repository was created in 1997 and presented formally at the talk Strike shooting, dip shooting, widepatch shooting - Does prestack migration care? A model study given by John Etgen and Carl Regone at the 1998 SEG convention. Its creators describe the model as the Carpatheans thrusting over the North Sea. The model was specifically created to illustrate the limitation of Kirchhoff migration. The model presented here is a single 2D line from the 3D model presented at the talk. The information presented here was taken from the abstract to their paper which can be found at the SEG website. The Madagascar Amoco repository contains all the files listed in table 1. The repository contains several velocity models of varying smoothness as well as a shot record. ...
Marmousi Model [pdf 884K]
Trevor Irons
The Marmousi model was created in 1988 by the Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP) in 1988. The geometry of this model is based on a profile through the North Quenguela trough in the Cuanza basin. The geometry and velocity model were created to produce complex seismic data which require advanced processing techniques to obtain a correct earth image. The Marmousi dataset was used for the workshop on practical aspects of seismic data inversion at the 52nd EAEG meeting in 1990. Since its inception in 1990 Marmousi has come be a sort of industry standard and almost classic dataset. The Madagascar repository contains the Marmousi files shown in Table 1. ...
Marmousi2 model [pdf 320K]
Trevor Irons
The Marmousi2 dataset is an extension and elastic upgrade of the classic Marmousi model. It was created by Allied Geophysical Laboratories (AGL). The Marmousi2 model has enjoyed widespread use and has been particularily insightful in amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis, impedance inversion, multiple attenuation, and multicomponent imaging. AGL has publically released the data for reasearch use around the world. Table 1 contains all the Marmousi2 files contained within the Madagascar repository. ...
Pluto Model [pdf 480K]
Trevor Irons
The Pluto dataset is one of several that The Subsalt Multiples Attenuation and Reduction Technology Joint Venture (SMAART JV) publicly released between September 2001 and November 2002. Additional information may be found at: The data remain the property of SMAART and are used under the agreement found at the aforementioned web address. The Pluto 1.5 dataset is a 2D elastic dataset released in November 2000, designed to emulate deep water subsalt prospects as found in the Gulf of Mexico. It contains realistic free surface and internal multiples over a structure that is relatively easy to image. Table 1 shows the files contained within the Pluto repository of Madagascar. ...

Sigsbee2 Models [pdf 2.5M]
Trevor Irons
The Subsalt Multiples Attenuation and Reduction Technology Joint Venture (SMAART JV) publicly released several data sets between September 2001 and November 2002. These synthetic data model the geologic setting found on the Sigsbee escarpment in the deep water Gulf of Mexico. Additional information may be found at: The data sets remain the property of SMAART and are used under the agreement found at the SMAART site listed above. The file sigsbee/FILES lists all files contained in the Sigsbee2 repository of Madagascar and is reproduced below in Table 1. Any of these files may be downloaded to local machines using ftp protocols. ...

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