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Because the autocorrelation of $ \bold H$ is $ \bold H\T \ast \bold H = \bold R =-\nabla^2$ is a second derivative, the operator $ \bold H$ must be something like a first derivative. As a geophysicist, I found it natural to compare the operator $ \frac{\partial}{\partial y}$ with $ \bold H$ by applying the helix derivative $ \bold H$ to a local topographic map. The result shown in Figure 11 is that $ \bold H$ enhances drainage patterns whereas $ \frac{\partial}{\partial y}$ enhances mountain ridges.

Figure 11.
Topography, helical derivative, slope south.
[pdf] [png] [scons]

The operator $ \bold H$ has curious similarities and differences with the familiar gradient and divergence operators. In 2-dimensional physical space, the gradient maps one field to two fields (north slope and east slope). The factorization of $ -\nabla^2$ with the helix gives us the operator $ \bold H$ that maps one field to one field. Being a one-to-one transformation (unlike gradient and divergence), the operator $ \bold H$ is potentially invertible by deconvolution (recursive filtering).

I have chosen the name ``helix derivative'' or ``helical derivative'' for the operator $ \bold H$ . A flag pole has a narrow shadow behind it. The helix integral (middle frame of Figure [*]) and the helix derivative (left frame) show shadows with an angular bandwidth approaching $ 180^\circ$ .

Our construction makes $ \bold H$ have the energy spectrum $ k_x^2+k_y^2$ , so the magnitude of the Fourier transform is $ \sqrt{k_x^2+k_y^2}$ . It is a cone centered at the origin with there the value zero. By contrast, the components of the ordinary gradient have amplitude responses $ \vert k_x\vert$ and $ \vert k_y\vert$ that are lines of zero across the $ (k_x,k_y)$ -plane.

The rotationally invariant cone in the Fourier domain contrasts sharply with the nonrotationally invariant helix derivative in $ (x,y)$ -space. The difference must arise from the phase spectrum. The factorization (13) is nonunique because causality associated with the helix mapping can be defined along either $ x$ - or $ y$ -axes; thus the operator (13) can be rotated or reflected.

In practice, we often require an isotropic filter. Such a filter is a function of $ k_r=\sqrt{k_x^2 + k_y^2}$ . It could be represented as a sum of helix derivatives to integer powers.

If you want to see some tracks on the side of a hill, you want to subtract the hill and see only the tracks. Usually, however, you do not have a very good model for the hill. As an expedient, you could apply a low-cut filter to remove all slowly variable functions of altitude. In Chapter [*] we found the Sea of Galilee in Figure [*] to be too smooth for viewing pleasure, so we made the roughened versions in Figure [*], a 1-dimensional filter that we could apply over the $ x$ -axis or the $ y$ -axis. In Fourier space, such a filter has a response function of $ k_x$ or a function of $ k_y$ . The isotropy of physical space tells us it would be more logical to design a filter that is a function of $ k_x^2+k_y^2$ . In Figure 11 we saw that the helix derivative $ \bold H$ does a nice job. The Fourier magnitude of its impulse response is $ k_r=\sqrt{k_x^2 + k_y^2}$ . There is a little anisotropy connected with phase (which way should we wind the helix, on $ x$ or $ y$ ?), but it is not nearly so severe as that of either component of the gradient, the two components having wholly different spectra, amplitude $ \vert k_x\vert$ or $ \vert k_y\vert$ .

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