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  1. Change directory to the project directory
    bash$ cd ../channel2
  2. By now, you should know what to do next.
  3. Two-dimensional shifts generate a four-dimensional volume. Verify it by running
    bash$ scons local.rsf
    bash$ sfin local.rsf
    View a movie of different shifts by running
    bash$ scons local.vpl
  4. Modify the filter weights by editing SConstruct in a text editor. Observe your final result by running
    bash$ scons smoothed2.view
  5. The file $\texttt{norm.rsf}$ contains the non-linear weights stacked over different shifts. Add a Result statement to SConstruct that would display the contents of $\texttt{norm.rsf}$ in a figure. Do you notice anything interesting?
  6. Apply the Canny edge detection to your final result and display it in a figure.
  7. EXTRA CREDIT Change directory to ../mona and apply your method to the image of Mona Lisa. Can you extract her smile?

Figure 7.
Your final result.
[pdf] [png] [scons]

Figure 8.
Can you apply your algorithm to Mona Lisa?
[pdf] [png] [scons]

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