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Appendix A: Signal-and-noise orthogonalization

Figure 12.
Demonstration of signal-and-noise orthogonalization.
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As shown schematically in Figure A-1, the initially estimated signal and noise are denoted by $ \mathbf{s}_0$ and $ \mathbf{n}_0$ , respectively. By projecting $ \mathbf{n}_0$ to the direction of $ \mathbf{s}_0$ , we can get the projection $ w\mathbf{s}_0$ . The other component of $ \mathbf{n}_0$ is the final estimated noise, as shown in equation 3. The final estimated signal is thus the summation of the initially estimated signal $ \mathbf{s}_0$ and the projection component $ w\mathbf{s}_0$ .

When $ w=\frac{\mathbf{n}_0^T\mathbf{s}_0}{\mathbf{s}_0^T\mathbf{s}_0}$ , the following equation holds:

\begin{displaymath}\begin{split}\hat{\mathbf{n}}^T\hat{\mathbf{s}} &=(\mathbf{n}...
...\mathbf{s}_0}\right)^2\mathbf{s}_0^T\mathbf{s}_0 =0 \end{split}\end{displaymath} (12)

Here, $ \hat{\mathbf{s}}$ and $ \hat{\mathbf{n}}$ denote the final estimated signal and noise, respectively, and appear orthogonal to each other. This orthogonalization approach is also known as Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization (Hazewinkel, 2001). Note that $ w$ defined above can be obtained by solving the least-squares optimization problem:

$\displaystyle \min_{w} \Arrowvert w\mathbf{s}_0-\mathbf{n}_0\Arrowvert^2_2,$ (13)

which we extend to equation 7 in the main text.

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