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Space-varying median filter

For SVMF, $ L$ becomes $ L_{i,j}$ , varying with respect to location $ x_{i,j}$ . The new filtering expression is:

$\displaystyle \hat{v}_{i,j} = \arg\min_{v_{m}\in U_{i,j} }\sum_{l=1}^{L_{i,j}} \Arrowvert v_{m} -v_l \Arrowvert_p,$ (2)

where $ \hat{v}_{i,j}$ is the output value for location $ x_{i,j}$ after applying a SVMF, $ U_{i,j}=\{v_1,v_2,\cdots,v_{L_{i,j}}\}$ . The filter length $ L_{i,j}$ can be chosen through the following empirical criteria:

$\displaystyle L_{i,j}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} L+l_1,\quad 0\quad \le \vert s^L...
... L-l_4,\quad 0.85s_{max}\le\vert s^L_{i,j}\vert \le s_{max} \end{array}\right.,$ (3)

where $ l_1$ ,$ l_2$ ,$ l_3$ ,$ l_4$ are predefined parameters corresponding to the increments or decrements for the length of filter window and are generally chosen as 4,2,2,4 in default, respectively; $ s^L_{i,j}$ is the signal reliability (SR), which can be defined as the local similarity (Fomel, 2007) between the initially filtered data $ u^L_{i,j}$ with a window length $ L$ and the original data $ u_{i,j}$ for point $ x_{i,j}$ :

$\displaystyle s^L_{i,j} = \mathbf{S} [u^L_{i,j}, u_{i,j}]$ (4)

Here, $ \mathbf{S} [\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}]$ denotes the local similarity between $ \mathbf{x}$ and $ \mathbf{y}$ , and $ s_{max}$ denotes the maximum value of the similarity map. Appendix A gives a short review of local similarity.

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