sfmpifulrtm2d (1.7-svn)
2-D prestack reverse time migration and its adjoint with MPI for full coverage

        sfmpifulrtm2d input=in.rsf output=out.rsf velocity=vel.rsf wavelet=wavelet.rsf snapshot=snapshot.rsf adj=y verb=y snap=n nr= dr= r0= ns= ds= s0= zr=0.0 zs=0.0 jt=100 padz=nz padx=nz nw=1 nsource=1 dsource=0 tdelay=0

bool adj=y [y/n]

float dr=

float ds=

int dsource=0

file input=
auxiliary input file name
int jt=100

int nr=

int ns=

int nsource=1

int nw=1

file output=
auxiliary output file name
int padx=nz

int padz=nz

float r0=

float s0=

bool snap=n [y/n]

file snapshot=
auxiliary output file name
float tdelay=0

file velocity=
auxiliary input file name
bool verb=y [y/n]

file wavelet=
auxiliary input file name
float zr=0.0

float zs=0.0