sfwarpscanw (4.0 Mwarpscan.c 744 2004-08-17 18:46:07Z fomels)
Multicomponent data registration analysis.

        sfwarpscanw < in.rsf > warped.rsf other=other.rsf renergy=renergy.rsf denergy=denergy.rsf verb=y cheb=n sign=n ren=n den=n ng=1 g0= dg=g0 rect1=1 rect2=1 rect3=1 rect4=1 niter=10 shift=n accuracy=

int accuracy= [1-4]
interpolation accuracy
bool cheb=n [y/n]
use Chebyshev scan
bool den=n [y/n]
use data energy
file denergy=
auxiliary input file name
float dg=g0
gamma sampling
float g0=
gamma origin
int ng=1
number of gamma values
int niter=10
number of iterations
file other=
auxiliary input file name
int rect1=1
vertical smoothing
int rect2=1
gamma smoothing
int rect3=1
in-line smoothing
int rect4=1
cross-line smoothing
bool ren=n [y/n]
use reference energy
file renergy=
auxiliary input file name
bool shift=n [y/n]
use shift instead of stretch
bool sign=n [y/n]
use signed similarity
bool verb=y [y/n]
verbosity flag

Used In
