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sfcut: Zero a portion of the dataset.

sfcut < in.rsf > out.rsf verb=n j#=(1,...) d#=(d1,d2,...) f#=(0,...) min#=(o1,o2,,...) n#=(0,...) max#=(o1+(n1-1)*d1,o2+(n1-1)*d2,,...)
Reverse of window.

float d#=(d1,d2,...) sampling in #-th dimension
largeint f#=(0,...) window start in #-th dimension
int j#=(1,...) jump in #-th dimension
float max#=(o1+(n1-1)*d1,o2+(n1-1)*d2,,...) maximum in #-th dimension
float min#=(o1,o2,,...) minimum in #-th dimension
int n#=(0,...) window size in #-th dimension
bool verb=n [y/n] Verbosity flag

The sfcut command is related to sfwindow and has the same set of arguments only instead of extracting the selected window, it fills it with zeroes. The size of the input data is preserved.


bash$ sfspike n1=5 n2=5 > in.rsf
bash$ < in.rsf sfdisfil
   0:             1            1            1            1            1
   5:             1            1            1            1            1
  10:             1            1            1            1            1
  15:             1            1            1            1            1
  20:             1            1            1            1            1
bash$ < in.rsf sfcut n1=2 f1=1 n2=3 f2=2 | sfdisfil
   0:             1            1            1            1            1
   5:             1            1            1            1            1
  10:             1            0            0            1            1
  15:             1            0            0            1            1
  20:             1            0            0            1            1
bash$ < in.rsf sfcut j1=2 | sfdisfil
   0:             0            1            0            1            0
   5:             0            1            0            1            0
  10:             0            1            0            1            0
  15:             0            1            0            1            0
  20:             0            1            0            1            0

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