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sfdisfil: Print out data values.

sfdisfil < in.rsf number=y col=0 format= header= trailer=
Alternatively, use sfdd and convert to ASCII form.

int col=0 Number of columns. The default depends on the data type: 10 for int and char, 5 for float, 3 for complex
string format= Format for numbers (printf-style). The default depends on the data type: """
string header= Optional header string to output before data
bool number=y [y/n] If number the elements
string trailer= Optional trailer string to output after data

The sfdisfil program simply dumps the data contents to the standard output in a text form. It is used mostly for debugging purposes to quickly examine RSF files. Here is an example:

bash$ sfmath o1=0 d1=2 n1=12 output=x1 > test.rsf
bash$ < test.rsf sfdisfil
   0:             0            2            4            6            8
   5:            10           12           14           16           18
  10:            20           22
The output format is easily configurable.
bash$ < test.rsf sfdisfil col=6 number=n format="%5.1f"
  0.0  2.0  4.0  6.0  8.0 10.0
 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0
Along with sfdd, sfdisfil provides a simple way to convert RSF data to an ASCII form.

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