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sfrm: Remove RSF files together with their data.

sfrm file1.rsf [file2.rsf ...] [-i] [-v] [-f]
Mimics the standard Unix rm command.

See also: sfmv, sfcp.

sfrm is a program for removing RSF files. Its arguments mimic the arguments of the standard Unix rm utility: -v for verbosity, -i for interactive inquiry, -f for force removal of suspicious files. Unlike the Unix rm, sfrm removes both the RSF header files and the binary files that the headers point to.


bash$ sfspike n1=10 > spike.rsf datapath=./
bash$ sfget in < spike.rsf
bash$ ls spike*
spike.rsf  spike.rsf@
bash$ sfrm -v spike.rsf
sfrm: sf_rm: Removing header spike.rsf
sfrm: sf_rm: Removing data ./spike.rsf@
bash$ ls spike*
ls: No match.

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