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sfcat: Concatenate datasets.

sfcat > out.rsf order= space= axis=3 nspace=(int) (ni/(20*nin) + 1) o= d= [<file0.rsf] file1.rsf file2.rsf ...
sfmerge inserts additional space between merged data.

int axis=3 Axis being merged
float d= axis sampling
int nspace=(int) (ni/(20*nin) + 1) if space=y, number of traces to insert
float o= axis origin
ints order= concatenation order [nin]
bool space= [y/n] Insert additional space. y is default for sfmerge, n is default for sfcat

sfcat and sfmerge concatenate two or more files together along a particular axis. It is the same program, only sfcat has the default space=n and sfmerge has the default space=y.

Example of sfcat:

bash$ sfspike n1=2 n2=3 > one.rsf
bash$ sfin one.rsf
    esize=4 type=float form=native
    n1=2           d1=0.004       o1=0          label1="Time" unit1="s"
    n2=3           d2=0.1         o2=0          label2="Distance" unit2="km"
        6 elements 24 bytes
bash$ sfcat one.rsf one.rsf axis=1 > two.rsf
bash$ sfin two.rsf
    esize=4 type=float form=native
    n1=4           d1=0.004       o1=0          label1="Time" unit1="s"
    n2=3           d2=0.1         o2=0          label2="Distance" unit2="km"
        12 elements 48 bytes

Example of sfmerge:

bash$ sfmerge one.rsf one.rsf axis=2 > two.rsf
bash$ sfin two.rsf
    esize=4 type=float form=native
    n1=2           d1=0.004       o1=0          label1="Time" unit1="s"
    n2=7           d2=0.1         o2=0          label2="Distance" unit2="km"
        14 elements 56 bytes
In this case, an extra empty trace is inserted between the two merged files.

The axes that are not being merged are checked for consistency:

bash$ sfcat one.rsf two.rsf > three.rsf
sfcat: n2 mismatch: need 3

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