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Muir approximation

Muir and Dellinger (1985) suggested representing anelliptic $ qP$ phase velocities with the following approximation:

$\displaystyle v_P^2(\theta) \approx e(\theta) + \frac{(q-1)\,a\,c\, \sin^2{\theta}\,\cos^2{\theta}}{e(\theta)} \;,$ (12)

where $ e(\theta)$ is the elliptical part of the velocity, defined by

$\displaystyle e(\theta) = a\,\sin^2{\theta} + c\,\cos^2{\theta}\;,$ (13)

and $ q$ is the anellipticity coefficient ($ q=1$ in case of elliptic velocities). Approximation (12) uses only three parameters to characterize the medium ($ a$ , $ c$ , and $ q$ ) as opposed to the four parameters ($ a$ , $ c$ , $ l$ , and $ f$ ) in the exact expression.

There is some freedom in choosing an appropriate value for the coefficient $ q$ . Assuming near-vertical wave propagation and the vertical axis of symmetry (a VTI medium) and fitting the curvature ( $ d^2 v_P/d \theta^2$ ) of the exact phase velocity (4) near the vertical phase angle ( $ \theta = 0$ ), leads to the definition (Dellinger et al., 1993)

$\displaystyle q = \frac{l\,(c-l) + (l+f)^2} {a\,(c-l)}\;.$ (14)

In terms of Thomsen's elastic parameters $ \epsilon$ and $ \delta$ (Thomsen, 1986) and the elastic parameter $ \eta $ of Alkhalifah and Tsvankin (1995),

$\displaystyle q = \frac{1 + 2\,\delta}{1 + 2\epsilon} = \frac{1}{1 + 2\,\eta}\;.$ (15)

This confirms the direct relationship between $ \eta $ and anellipticity. If we were to fit the phase velocity curvature near the horizontal axis $ \theta=\pi/2$ (perpendicular to the axis of symmetry), the appropriate value for $ q$ would be

$\displaystyle \hat{q} = \frac{l\,(a-l) + (l+f)^2} {c\,(a-l)}\;.$ (16)

Muir and Dellinger (1985) also suggested approximating the VTI group velocity with an analogous expression

$\displaystyle \frac{1}{V^2_{P}(\Theta)} \approx E(\Theta) + \frac{(Q-1)\,A\,C\, \sin^2{\Theta}\,\cos^2{\Theta}}{E(\Theta)}$ (17)

where $ A=1/a$ , $ C=1/c$ , $ Q = 1/q$ , $ \Theta$ is the group angle, and $ E(\Theta)$ is the elliptical part:

$\displaystyle E(\Theta) = A\,\sin^2{\Theta} + C\,\cos^2{\Theta}\;.$ (18)

Equations (12) and (17) are consistent in the sense that both of them are exact for elliptic anisotropy ($ q=Q=1$ ) and accurate to the first order in $ (q-1)$ or $ (Q-1)$ in the general case of transversally isotropic media.

To the same approximation order, the connection between the phase and group directions is

$\displaystyle \tan{\Theta} = \tan{\theta}\,\frac{a}{c}\, \left(1 - (q-1)\,\frac...
...{\theta} - c\,\cos^2{\theta}} {a\,\sin^2{\theta} + c\,\cos^2{\theta}}\right)\;.$ (19)

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