up [pdf]
from rsf.proj import *
import math
from rsf.recipes.beg import server as private

dt = 0.008
nf = 300
df = 1/(nt*dt)
wf = 2*math.pi

def grey(title,bias,other):
    return '''
    transp | grey title="%s" bias=%g color=j scalebar=n screenratio=0.8 
    barwidth=0.2 crowd1=0.75  crowd2=0.3 wherexlabel=b allpos=y
    label2=Time unit2=s label1=Frequency unit1=Hz %s
    ''' % (title,bias,other)

# Model 0 Ricker wavelets
## Flow('ricker',None,
##      '''
##      spike n1=512 d1=1 o1=0 k1=128,256 nsp=2 mag=1,0.5 |
##      ricker1 frequency=0.2
##      ''')
## Flow('rtft rbasis','ricker',
##      '''
##      rtft rect=5 nw=257 w0=0 dw=0.002
##      verb=y niter=100 basis=${TARGETS[1]}
##      ''')
## Result('rtft',
##        '''
##        stack axis=3 norm=n |
##        grey transp=n yreverse=n color=j
##        title="LTF transform spectra (smooth=7)"
##        crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.25
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3 parallel2=n
##        ''')

## Flow('inv','rtft','rtft inv=y')
## Result('inv','inv ricker',
##        '''
##        cat axis=3 ${SOURCES[1]} |
##        graph title=Comparison
##        ''')

## Flow('ltft0','ricker','ltft rect=7 verb=n')
## Result('ltft0',
##        '''
##        window n1=%d |
##        math output="abs(input)" | real |
##        grey transp=n yreverse=n color=j
##        title="LTF transform spectra (smooth=7)"
##        crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.25
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3 parallel2=n
##        ''' % nt)

# Model 1 crossing chirps
     spike n1=%d d1=1 o1=0 |
     math output="cos(%g*(10+x1/7)*x1/%d)+cos(%g*(%d/2.8-x1/6.0)*x1/%d)" |
     pad end1=11
     ''' % (nt,2*math.pi,nt,2*math.pi,nt,nt))
       window n1=%d |
       graph title=Input labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3
       crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.25 parallel2=n
       wherexlabel=t wheretitle=b plotfat=3
       '''% nt)

## nf0 = 257
## df = 0.00195312
## wf = 2*math.pi
## #---cos basis
## Flow('cbasis','cchirps',
##      '''
##      spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0 |
##      math output="cos(%g*x2*x1)"
##      ''' % (nf0,df,wf))
## Result('cbasis',
##        '''
##        grey transp=n yreverse=n color=j
##        title="Cosine bases" label2=Frequency unit2=Hz
##        screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.3
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3 parallel2=n
##        ''')
## #---sin basis
## Flow('sbasis','cchirps',
##      '''
##      spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0 | math output="sin(%g*x2*x1)"
##      ''' % (nf0,df,wf))
## Result('sbasis',
##        '''
##        grey transp=n yreverse=n color=j
##        title="Sine bases" label2=Frequency unit2=Hz
##        screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.3
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3 parallel2=n
##        ''')
## #       'window j2=4 | wiggle poly=y title="Sine bases" ') 

# S transform
       window n1=%d |
       math output="abs(input)" | real |
       grey transp=n yreverse=n color=j
       title="S transform spectra"
       crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.25
       labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3 parallel2=n
       ''' % nt)

## Flow('ist1','st1','st inv=y')
## Result('ist1',
##        '''
##        window n1=%d |
##        graph title="Inverse S transform" label2= unit2=
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3
##        screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.3 parallel2=n
##        '''% nt)
## Flow('diff2','cchirps ist1','add scale=1,-1 ${SOURCES[1]}')
## Result('diff2',
##        '''
##        window n1=%d |
##        graph title="Difference between input and IST" label2= unit2=
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3
##        screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.3
##        min2=-0.05 max2=0.05 parallel2=n
##        ''' % nt)
# Local prediction filter
## Flow('tfreq1','cchirps','timefreq rect=20')
## Result('tfreq1',
##        '''
##        grey color=j wanttitle="Time-frequency spectra (lpf)"
##        ''')

# test sfltft
Flow('ltft1 scbasis','cchirps','ltft rect=7 verb=n basis=${TARGETS[1]}')
## Result('sbasis','scbasis',
##        '''
##        window n2=257 |
##        grey transp=n yreverse=n color=j
##        title="Sine bases" label2=Frequency unit2=Hz
##        crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.2
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3 parallel2=n
##        ''')
## Result('cbasis','scbasis',
##        '''
##        window f2=257 | put o2=0 |
##        grey transp=n yreverse=n color=j
##        title="Cosine bases" label2=Frequency unit2=Hz
##        crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.2
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3 parallel2=n
##        ''')

       window n1=%d |
       math output="abs(input)" | real |
       grey transp=n yreverse=n color=j
       title="LTF decomposition spectra (smooth=7)"
       crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.25
       labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3 parallel2=n
       ''' % nt)
## Flow('iltft1','ltft1','ltft inv=y')
## Result('iltft1',
##        '''
##        window n1=%d |
##        graph title="Inverse LTF transform" label2= unit2=
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3
##        screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.3
##        ''' % nt)
## Flow('diff1','cchirps iltft1','add scale=1,-1 ${SOURCES[1]}')
## Result('diff1',
##        '''
##        window n1=%d |
##        graph title="Difference between input and ILTFT" label2= unit2=
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3
##        screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.3
##        min2=-0.05 max2=0.05 parallel2=n
##        ''' % nt)

# choose parameters
Flow('ltft12','cchirps','ltft rect=14 verb=n')
       window n1=%d |
       math output="abs(input)" | real |
       grey transp=n yreverse=n color=j
       title="LTF decomposition spectra (smooth=14)"
       crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.25
       labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3 parallel2=n
       ''' % nt)
## Flow('iltft12','ltft12','ltft inv=y')
## Result('iltft12',
##        '''
##        window n1=%d |
##        graph title="Inverse LTF transform" label2= unit2=
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3
##        screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.3
##        ''' % nt)
## Flow('diff12','cchirps iltft12','add scale=1,-1 ${SOURCES[1]}')
## Result('diff12',
##        '''
##        window n1=%d |
##        graph title="Difference between input and ILTFT" label2= unit2=
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3
##        screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.3
##        min2=-0.05 max2=0.05 parallel2=n
##        ''' % nt)

## Flow('ltft13','cchirps','ltft rect=11 verb=y')
## Result('ltft13',
##        '''
##        window n1=%d |
##        math output="abs(input)" | real |
##        grey transp=n yreverse=n color=j
##        title="LTF transform spectra (weak)"
##        crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.25
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3 parallel2=n
##        ''' % nt)
## Flow('iltft13','ltft13','ltft inv=y')
## Result('iltft13',
##        '''
##        window n1=%d |
##        graph title="Inverse LTF transform" label2= unit2=
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3
##        screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.3
##        ''' % nt)
## Flow('diff13','cchirps iltft13','add scale=1,-1 ${SOURCES[1]}')
## Result('diff13',
##        '''
##        window n1=%d |
##        graph title="Difference between input and ILTFT" label2= unit2=
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3
##        screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 crowd2=0.3
##        min2=-0.05 max2=0.05 parallel2=n
##        ''' % nt)
## ###########################
## # Model 2 three cosines
## ###########################
## nlevel0=0
## nf0=200
## Flow('cosines',None,
##      '''
##      math n1=%d o1=0 d1=%g n2=1
##      output="cos(%g*(10*x1))+cos(%g*(20*x1))+cos(%g*(30*x1))" |
##      put label1=Time unit1=s label2=Amplitude 
##      ''' % (nt,dt,wf,wf,wf))

## Flow('spikes',None,
##      '''
##      spike n1=%d o1=0 d1=%g n2=1 nsp=2 mag=10,10 k1=%d,%d
##      ''' % (nt,dt,nt/2,nt/2+40))
## Flow('cspikes','cosines spikes','add ${SOURCES[1]} | noise var=%g' % (nlevel0))

## Result('cspikes',
##        '''
##        graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 label2=Amplitude
##        label1=Time unit1=s crowd2=0.3 wanttitle=n
##        ''')

## Flow('ltft2','cspikes','ltft rect=6 verb=n')
## Result('ltft2',
##        '''
##        math output="abs(input)" | real |
##        '''+ grey('LTFT',0.01,'yreverse=n wheretitle=t \
##        labelfat=3 font=2 titlefat=3'))

## Flow('iltft2','ltft2','ltft inv=y')
## Result('iltft2',
##        '''
##        graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 label2=Amplitude
##        label1=Time unit1=s crowd2=0.3 title="Inverse LTF transform"
##        ''')

## # Guochang's method
## #---cos basis
## Flow('bcos-0','cspikes',
##      'spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0| math output="cos(%g*x2*x1)"' % (nf0,df,wf))

## #---sin basis
## Flow('bsin1-0','cspikes',
##      '''
##      spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0| math output="sin(%g*x2*x1)"| window f2=1
##      ''' % (nf0,df,wf))

## #-----similarity vs projection
## Flow('mask','cspikes',
##      'noise rep=y type=n seed=2008 | mask min=0')
## #Flow('zero','s-0 mask','headercut mask=${SOURCES[1]}')

## Flow('bsincos-0','bsin1-0 bcos-0','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]}')
## Flow('s-0s2','cspikes mask',
##      '''
##      spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0 | transp |
##      headercut mask=${SOURCES[1]} | transp
##      ''' % (2*nf0-1, df))
## Result('s-0s2',
##        '''
##        window n2=1 |
##        graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 label2=Amplitude
##        label1=Time unit1=s crowd2=0.3 wanttitle=n
##        ''')
## Flow('project-0 pred','bsincos-0 s-0s2',
##      'lpf match=${SOURCES[1]} niter=100 rect1=20 pred=${TARGETS[1]}')
## Flow('proj-0-old','project-0',
##      '''
##      pad beg2=1 | put n2=%d n3=2 | math output=input*input |
##      stack axis=3 norm=n | math output="sqrt(input)"
##      ''' % nf0)
## Result('proj-0-old',grey('',0.2,''))
## Flow('proj-0','cspikes','timefreq nw=200 dw=0.249501 rect=15')
## Result('proj-0',grey('',0.2,''))

## Result('pred',
##        '''
##        stack |
##        graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 label2=Amplitude
##        label1=Time unit1=s crowd2=0.3 wanttitle=n
##        ''')

## ###########################
## # Model 3 frequency-vary sinusoid
## ###########################
## Flow('simple',None,
##       '''
##       math n1=251 o1=0 d1=0.004 n2=1 output="cos(%g*(3.0*x1*x1+5)*x1)"
##       label1=Time unit1=s 
##       ''' % (2*wf))
## Result('simple',
##        '''
##        graph yreverse=y transp=y wanttitle=n
##        screenratio=2.5 labelsz=6
##        ''')

## Flow('ltft3','simple','ltft rect=6 verb=n')
## Result('ltft3',
##        '''
##        math output="abs(input)" | real |
##        grey yreverse=y transp=y wanttitle=n color=j
##        screenratio=2.5 labelsz=6
##        ''')

## Flow('iltft3','ltft3','ltft inv=y')
## Result('iltft3',
##        '''
##        graph yreverse=y transp=y title=Inverse
##        screenratio=2.5 labelsz=6
##        ''')

## #---cos basis
## Flow('bcos1','simple',
##      '''
##      spray axis=2 n=20 d=2 o=0 label=Frequency unit=Hz |
##      math output="cos(%g*x2*x1)" | window f2=1
##      ''' % wf)
## Flow('bcos','simple bcos1',
##      '''
##      spray axis=2 n=1 d=2 o=0 label=Frequency unit=Hz |
##      math output=0.5 | cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]}
##      ''')

## Result('bcos',
##        '''
##        wiggle yreverse=y transp=y wanttitle=n
##        poly=y screenratio=2 labelsz=6
##        ''')

## #---sin basis

## Flow('bsin','simple',
##      '''
##      spray axis=2 n=20 d=2 o=0 label=Frequency unit=Hz |
##      math output="sin(%g*x2*x1)"| window f2=1
##      ''' % wf)

## Result('bsin',
##        '''
##        wiggle yreverse=y transp=y wanttitle=n poly=y
##        screenratio=2 wantaxis1=n labelsz=6
##        ''')

## ###########################
## # Model 4 chirp signal:
## # cos(g(f)*t+a)+cos(g(f)*t+b)
## ###########################
## nlevel1=0
## dt1 = 0.004
## Flow('tchirps',None,
##     '''
##     math n1=%d o1=0 d1=%g n2=1
##     output="cos(%g*(3.0*x1*x1+5)*x1)+cos(%g*(8*x1*x1+19)*x1)"
##     ''' % (nt, dt1, wf, wf))
## Result('tchirps',
##        '''
##        graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75
##        label2=Amplitude label1=Time unit1=s crowd2=0.3 wanttitle=n
##        ''')

## Flow('ltft4','tchirps','ltft rect=6 verb=n')
## Result('ltft4',
##        '''
##        math output="abs(input)" | real |
##        ''' + grey('',0.02,''))

## Flow('iltft4','ltft4','ltft inv=y')
## Result('iltft4',
##        '''
##        put unit2= |
##        graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75
##        label2=Amplitude label1=Time unit1=s crowd2=0.3 title=Inverse
##        ''')

## # S transform
## Flow('st2','tchirps','pad end1=11 | st')
## Result('st2',
##        '''
##        window n1=501 |
##        math output="abs(input)" | real |
##        ''' + grey('S transform',0.02,'wheretitle=t'))

## Flow('ist2','st2','st inv=y')
## Result('ist2',
##        '''
##        window n1=501 |
##        graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75
##        label2=Amplitude unit2= label1=Time unit1=s crowd2=0.3
##        title="Inverse S transform" 
##        ''') 

## # Guochang's method
## #---cos basis
## Flow('bcos-1','tchirps',
##      '''
##      spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0 |
##      math output="cos(%g*x2*x1)"
##      ''' % (nf,df,wf))
## #---sin basis
## Flow('bsin1-1','tchirps',
##      '''
##      spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0 |
##      math output="sin(%g*x2*x1)"|
##      window f2=1
##      ''' % (nf,df,wf))

## #-----similarity vs projection
## Flow('bsincos-1','bsin1-1 bcos-1','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]}')
## Flow('s-1s2','tchirps','spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0' % (2*nf-1, df))

## Flow('project-1','bsincos-1 s-1s2',
##      'lpf match=${SOURCES[1]} niter=30 rect1=23 ')
## Flow('proj-1-old','project-1',
##      '''
##      pad beg2=1 | put n2=%d n3=2 |
##      math output=input*input |
##      stack axis=3 norm=n |
##      math output="sqrt(input)"
##      ''' % nf)

## Flow('proj-1','tchirps','timefreq nw=300 dw=0.249501 rect=18')
## Result('proj-1',grey('',0.2,''))

## ###########################
## # Model 5 synthetic trace
## #         by ricker wavelet
## ###########################
## nlevel2=0
## dt2=0.002
## nf2=500
## Flow('syn1',None,
##      '''
##      spike n1=%d d1=%g o1=0 nsp=4 k1=%g,%g,%g,%g mag=1,1,1,1 |
##      ricker1 frequency=50
##      ''' % (nt,dt2,0.2*nt,0.4*nt,0.605*nt,0.8*nt))
## Flow('syn2',None,
##      '''
##      spike n1=%d d1=%g o1=0 nsp=2 k1=%g,%g mag=1,1 |
##      ricker1 frequency=40
##      ''' % (nt,dt2,0.6*nt,0.79*nt))
## Flow('syn3',None,
##      '''
##      spike n1=%d d1=%g o1=0 nsp=3 k1=%g,%g,%g mag=1,1,1 |
##      ricker1 frequency=30
##      ''' % (nt,dt2,0.21*nt,0.59*nt,0.81*nt))
## Flow('syn4',None,
##      '''
##      spike n1=%d d1=%g o1=0 nsp=1 k1=%g mag=2 |
##      ricker1 frequency=20
##      ''' % (nt,dt2,0.43*nt))

## Flow('syn','syn1 syn2 syn3 syn4',
##      '''
##      add ${SOURCES[1:4]} |
##      noise var=%g
##      ''' % (nlevel2))

## Flow('secs','syn syn1 syn2 syn3 syn4',
##      '''
##      cat ${SOURCES[1:5]} axis=2 
##      ''')
## Result('secs',
##        '''
##        dots  gaineach=n 
##        labels="Sum\^ \_\^ \_=:50Hz\^
##        \_\^ \_+:40Hz\^ \_\^ \_+:30Hz\^ \_\^ \_+:20Hz"
##        wanttitle=n titles=
##        ''')

## Result('syn',
##        '''
##        graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75
##        label2=Amplitude label1=Time unit1=s
##        crowd2=0.3 wanttitle=n pad=n
##        ''')

## Flow('ltft5','syn','ltft rect=6 verb=n nw=500 dw=0.249501')
## Result('ltft5',
##        '''
##        math output="abs(input)" | real |
##        ''' + grey('',0.0,''))

## Flow('iltft5','ltft5','ltft inv=y')
## Result('iltft5',
##        '''
##        put unit2= |
##        graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75
##        label2=Amplitude label1=Time unit1=s
##        crowd2=0.3 title=Inverse pad=n
##        ''')

## # S transform
## Flow('st3','syn','pad end1=11 | st fhi=124.7505')
## Result('st3',
##        '''
##        math output="abs(input)" | real |
##        ''' + grey('S transform',0.0,'wheretitle=t'))

## Flow('ist3','st3','st inv=y')
## Result('ist3',
##        '''
##        window n1=501 | put unit2= |
##        graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75
##        label2=Amplitude label1=Time unit1=s
##        crowd2=0.3 title="Inverse ST" pad=n
##        ''')

## #---STFT with 30ms and 100ms Hamming window
## for case in ('s-2sh','s-2lg'):
##     Fetch(case+'.rsf','guochang',private)
##     Result(case,grey('',0,'') )

## # Guochang's method
## #---cos basis
## Flow('bcos-2','syn',
##      '''
##      spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0 |
##      math output="cos(%g*x2*x1)"
##      ''' % (nf2,df,wf))

## #---sin basis
## Flow('bsin1-2','syn',
##      '''
##      spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0 |
##      math output="sin(%g*x2*x1)"|
##      window f2=1
##      ''' % (nf2,df,wf))

## #-----similarity vs projection
## Flow('bsincos-2','bsin1-2 bcos-2','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]}')
## Flow('s-2s2','syn','spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0' % (2*nf2-1, df))

## Flow('project-2','bsincos-2 s-2s2','lpf match=${SOURCES[1]} niter=80 rect1=8')
## Flow('proj-2-old','project-2',
##      '''
##      pad beg2=1 | put n2=%d n3=2 |
##      math output=input*input |
##      stack axis=3 norm=n |
##      math output="sqrt(input)"
##      ''' % nf2)

## Flow('proj-2','syn','timefreq nw=500 dw=0.249501 rect=8 niter=80')
## Result('proj-2',grey('',0.,''))

## ###########################
## # Model 6 random reflectivity
## # with ricker frequency f=at+b
## ###########################
## nf6=600
## nt6=2000
## dt6=0.001
## nlevel6=0
## Flow('refl',None,
##      '''
##      math n1=%d d1=%g o1=%g output=0 | noise var=1 
##      ''' % (nt6,dt6,ot))
## Flow('rfreq','refl','math output="25*x1*x1+15"')
## Flow('rphase','refl','math output=0')
## Flow('random','refl rfreq rphase',
##      '''
##      ricker2 tfreq=${SOURCES[1]} tphase=${SOURCES[2]}
##      norm=n hiborder=100 |
##      noise var=%g  |
##      agc rect1=100 
##      ''' % nlevel6)

## Result('refl',
##        '''
##        graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75 label2=Amplitude
##        label1=Time unit1=s crowd2=0.3 wanttitle=n
##        ''')
## Result('random',
##        '''
##        graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75
##        label2=Amplitude label1=Time unit1=s crowd2=0.3 wanttitle=n
##        ''')

## Flow('ltft6','random','ltft rect=20 verb=n nw=800 dw=0.249501')
## Result('ltft6',
##        '''
##        math output="abs(input)" | real |
##        ''' + grey('',0.0,''))

## Flow('iltft6','ltft6','ltft inv=y')
## Result('iltft6',
##        '''
##        put unit2= |
##        graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 crowd1=0.75
##        label2=Amplitude label1=Time unit1=s crowd2=0.3 title=Inverse
##        ''')

## # Guochang's method
## #---cos basis
## Flow('bcos-6','random',
##      '''
##      spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0 |
##      math output="cos(%g*x2*x1)"
##      ''' % (nf6,df,wf))

## #---sin basis
## Flow('bsin1-6','random',
##      '''
##      spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0 |
##      math output="sin(%g*x2*x1)"|
##      window f2=1
##      ''' % (nf6,df,wf))

## Flow('bsincos-6','bsin1-6 bcos-6','cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]}')
## Flow('s-6s','random','spray axis=2 n=%d d=%g o=0' % (2*nf6-1, df))

## Flow('project-6','bsincos-6 s-6s',
##      'lpf match=${SOURCES[1]} niter=100 rect1=90 ')
## Flow('proj-6-old','project-6',
##      '''
##      pad beg2=1 | put n2=%d n3=2 |
##      math output=input*input |
##      stack axis=3 norm=n |
##      math output="sqrt(input)"
##      ''' % nf6)

## Flow('proj-6','random','timefreq nw=800 dw=0.249501 rect=90')
## Result('proj-6','window max2=149 | ' + grey('',0.2,''))

## #---test local frequency 
## Flow('numer-6','proj-6',' math output="input*x2" | stack axis=2')
## Flow('denom-6','proj-6','stack axis=2')

## Flow('lcf-6','numer-6 denom-6','math x=${SOURCES[1]} output="input/(x+0.01)"')
## Flow('theo-6','lcf-6','math output="25*x1*x1+15" ')

## Flow('flcf-6','random','iphase rect1=90 order=10 hertz=y')

## Result('lcf-6','lcf-6 theo-6 flcf-6',
##        '''
##         cat axis=2 ${SOURCES[1]} ${SOURCES[2]}| 
##         graph pad=n screenratio=0.8 yreverse=y min2=0 max2=149
##         label2=Frequency unit2=Hz plotcol=6,5,3
##         crowd1=0.75 label1=Time unit1=s crowd2=0.3 wanttitle=n Xdash=0,5,1
##        ''')

## ###########################
## # Model 7 The whole 4D data
## ###########################
## nf9=601
## df9=0.25

## #-----read data from segy file
## Fetch('ln472_old.sgy','guochang',private)

## Flow('old','ln472_old.sgy',
##      '''
##      segyread bfile=/dev/null hfile=/dev/null read=data |  
##      put n1=751 n2=201 o1=0 d1=0.002 02=1 d2=0.01 label1="Time" unit1="s" 
##      label2="X" unit2="km" | window min1=0
##      ''')
## Result('old','old',
##        'grey wanttitle=n label2="Distance" label1=Time unit1=s')

## Flow('rltft','old','ltft rect=5 verb=y nw=601 dw=0.25 niter=50')
## Result('rltft',
##        '''
##        math output="abs(input)" | real |
##        transp plane=23 |
##        byte allpos=y gainpanel=40 pclip=100 |
##        grey3 color=j  frame1=615 frame3=40 frame2=76  label1=Time flat=y 
##        unit1=s label2=Distance label3=Frequency unit3=Hz
##        point1=0.8 point2=0.8 wanttitle=n 
##        ''') 

## Flow('riltft','rltft','ltft inv=y verb=y')
## Result('riltft',
##        '''
##        grey title="Inverse LTF" label2="Distance"
##        unit2=km label1=Time unit1=s
##        ''')

## # Dominant frequency
## Flow('numer','rltft',
##      '''
##      math output="abs(input)" | real |
##      math output="input*x2"| stack
##      ''')
## Flow('denom','rltft',
##      '''
##      math output="abs(input)" | real |
##      stack
##      ''')
## Flow('lf','numer denom',
##      'math den=${SOURCES[1]} output="input/(den+0.001)"')

## Result('lf',
##        '''
##        grey allpos=y color=j label1=Time scalebar=y
##        barlabel=Frequency barunit=Hz pclip=99.
##        unit1=s  label3=Frequency label2=Distance unit3=Hz wanttitle=n 
##        ''' )

## #---cos basis
## Flow('bcos-9','old',
##      '''
##      spray axis=3 n=%d d=%g o=0 |
##      math output="cos(%g*x3*x1)"
##      ''' % (nf9,df9,wf))

## #---sin basis
## Flow('bsin1-9','old',
##      '''
##      spray axis=3 n=%d d=%g o=0 |
##      math output="sin(%g*x3*x1)"|
##      window f3=1
##      ''' % (nf9,df9,wf))

## #-----projection

## Flow('bsincos-9','bsin1-9 bcos-9','cat axis=3 ${SOURCES[1]}')
## Flow('olds','old','spray axis=3 n=%d d=%g o=0' % (2*nf9-1, df9))

## #Flow('allproject-9','olds bsincos-9',
## #     'lpf match=${SOURCES[1]} niter=30 rect1=14 ')

## win9 = []
## for f9 in range(0,1200,100):
##     winold9      = 'winold-%d'  % f9
##     winbsincos9   = 'winsincos-9-%d'  %f9
##     winproject9   = 'winproject-9-%d' % f9
##     win9.append(winproject9)

##     Flow(winbsincos9,'bsincos-9','window f3=%d n3=100' % f9)
##     Flow(winold9,'olds','window f3=%d n3=100' % f9)

##     Flow(winproject9,[winbsincos9, winold9],
##          'lpf match=${SOURCES[1]} niter=30 rect1=14')

## Flow('project-9',win9,
##      '''
##      cat ${SOURCES[1:%d]} axis=3 | put o3=0 d3=%g  label3=Frequency Unit3=Hz |
##      math output="input*input"
##      ''' % (len(win9),df9))

## Flow('proj-9-old','project-9',
##      '''
##      pad beg3=1 |pad end3=1 | put n3=%d n4=2 | math output=input*input | 
##      stack axis=4 norm=n | math output="sqrt(input)" 
##      ''' % nf9)

## Flow('proj-9','old','timefreq rect=14 nw=601 dw=0.25')

## Result('proj-9',
##        '''
##        transp plane=23 |
##        byte allpos=y gainpanel=40 pclip=100 |
##        grey3 color=j  frame1=615 frame3=40 frame2=76  label1=Time flat=y 
##        unit1=s label2=Distance label3=Frequency unit3=Hz
##        point1=0.8 point2=0.8 wanttitle=n 
##        ''')

## #---test local frequency

## Flow('sproj-9','proj-9','smooth rect1=10 rect2=10 ')

## Flow('numer-9','proj-9','math output="input*x2" | stack')
## Flow('denom-9','proj-9','stack axis=2')
## Flow('glcf-9','numer-9 denom-9','add mode=d ${SOURCES[1]}')
## Flow('lcf-9','numer-9 denom-9','math x=${SOURCES[1]} output="input/(x+0.001)"')

## Result('lcf-9',
##        '''
##        grey allpos=y color=j label1=Time scalebar=y
##        barlabel=Frequency barunit=Hz pclip=99.
##        unit1=s  label3=Frequency label2=Distance unit3=Hz wanttitle=n 
##        ''' )

## ###############################

