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Published as Geophysics, 78, no. 5, V171-V179, (2013)

Omnidirectional plane-wave destruction

Zhonghuan Chen[*], Sergey Fomel[*], and Wenkai Lu[*]
[*]Department of Automation,
State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology and Systems
Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China. 100084
[*]Bureau of Economic Geology,
Jackson School of Geosciences
The University of Texas at Austin
University Station, Box X
Austin, TX 78713-8924


Steep structures in seismic data may bring directional aliasing, thus plane-wave destruction (PWD) filter can not obtain an accurate dip estimation. We propose to interpret plane-wave construction (PWC) filter as a line-interpolating operator and introduce a novel circle-interpolating model. The circle-interpolating PWC can avoid phase-wrapping problems, and the related circle-interpolating plane-wave destruction (PWD) can avoid aliasing problems. We design a 2D maxflat fractional delay filter to implement the circle interpolation, and prove that the 2D maxflat filter is separable in each direction. Using the maxflat fractional delay filter in the circle interpolation, we propose the omnidirectional plane-wave destruction (OPWD). The omnidirectional PWD can handle both vertical and horizontal structures. With a synthetic example, we show how to obtain an omnidirectional dip estimation using the proposed omnidirectional PWD. An application of the omnidirectional PWD to a field dataset improves the results of predictive painting and event picking, as compared to conventional PWD.

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