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Appendix B: Review of local similarity

Fomel (2007a) defined local similarity between vectors $ \mathbf{a}$ and $ \mathbf{b}$ as:

$\displaystyle \mathbf{c}=\sqrt{\mathbf{c}_1^T\mathbf{c}_2}$ (14)

where $ \mathbf{c}_1$ and $ \mathbf{c}_2$ come from two least-squares minimization problems:

$\displaystyle \mathbf{c}_1$ $\displaystyle =\arg\min_{\mathbf{c}_1}\Arrowvert \mathbf{a}-\mathbf{B}\mathbf{c}_1 \Arrowvert_2^2,$ (15)
$\displaystyle \mathbf{c}_2$ $\displaystyle =\arg\min_{\mathbf{c}_2}\Arrowvert \mathbf{b}-\mathbf{A}\mathbf{c}_2 \Arrowvert_2^2,$ (16)

where $ \mathbf{A}$ is a diagonal operator composed from the elements of $ \mathbf{a}$ : $ \mathbf{A}=diag(\mathbf{a})$ and $ \mathbf{B}$ is a diagonal operator composed from the elements of $ \mathbf{b}$ : $ \mathbf{B}=diag(\mathbf{b})$ . Least-squares problems B-2 and B-3 can be solved with the help of shaping regularization with a smoothness constraint:

$\displaystyle \mathbf{c}_1$ $\displaystyle = [\lambda_1^2\mathbf{I} + \mathcal{T}(\mathbf{B}^T\mathbf{B}-\lambda_1^2\mathbf{I})]^{-1}\mathcal{T}\mathbf{B}^T\mathbf{a},$ (17)
$\displaystyle \mathbf{c}_2$ $\displaystyle = [\lambda_2^2\mathbf{I} + \mathcal{T}(\mathbf{A}^T\mathbf{A}-\lambda_2^2\mathbf{I})]^{-1}\mathcal{T}\mathbf{A}^T\mathbf{b},$ (18)

where $ \mathbf{\mathcal{T}}$ is a smoothing operator, and $ \lambda_1$ and $ \lambda_2$ are two parameters controlling the physical dimensionality and enabling fast convergence when inversion is implemented iteratively. These two parameters can be chosen as $ \lambda_1 = \Arrowvert\mathbf{B}^T\mathbf{B}\Arrowvert_2$ and $ \lambda_2 = \Arrowvert\mathbf{A}^T\mathbf{A}\Arrowvert_2$ (Fomel, 2007a). The definition of $ \mathbf{c}_1$ and $ \mathbf{c}_2$ are equivalent to definition of LOW in this paper.

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