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Linear sloth model

We first test the proposed method using a synthetic model with known analytical time-to-depth conversion solutions. In this model, the exact velocity squared is given by

$\displaystyle w(x,z) = \frac{1}{1-q_x x}~,$ (22)

where $ q_x=0.052$ , which gives a maximum of 25$ \%$ changes in lateral velocity along the 7 $ km$ lateral extent of the model. The analytical solutions to time-to-depth conversion in this particular type of model were presented by Li and Fomel (2015). Figure 3 shows the true interval velocity of the model (equation 22), and the analytical $ x_0$ and $ t_0$ overlaid by the contours indicating image rays and propagating image wavefront. Other inputs for the proposed conversion method are shown in Figure 4. We choose the reference $ w_r(z)$ background to be the central trace of the reference $ w_{dr}(x,z)$ , which is constant in this case. The estimated results are shown in Figure 5 and their corresponding errors in comparison with the analytical values are shown in Figure 6. The errors appear to be generally small indicating a good accuracy for all estimated parameters but increase closer to the edges of the model, which are further away from the chosen reference $ w_r(z)$ .

Figure 3.
The true velocity squared (top) of the linear sloth model (equation 22). Analytical $ x_0$ (middle) is overlaid by image rays. Analytical $ t_0$ (bottom) is overlaid by contours showing propagating image wavefront.
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Figure 4.
Inputs of the proposed time-to-depth conversion for the linear gradient model. The last input $ w_r(z)$ (not shown here) is taken to be the central trace of $ w_{dr}(x,z)$ (top) in this case.
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Figure 5.
The estimated values of $ \Delta x_0$ , $ \Delta t_0$ , $ \Delta w$ in the linear sloth model (equation 22).
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Figure 6.
The errors of the estimated values of $ \Delta x_0$ , $ \Delta t_0$ , $ \Delta w$ in comparison with the true values in the linear sloth model (equation 22). The errors are small for all estimated parameters indicating a good accuracy of the proposed method.
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