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Tex files

Now that your figures are locked, you can create your first reproducible document in Madagascar. To do so, you will need to:

Before making a document, you need to create your TeX files in the paper level directory. For example, to create an EAGE abstract, you would create a main TeX file called: eageabs.tex which contains the content and TeX commands to build your abstract. Your TeX file can use all of the standard and expanded LATEXcommands provided by any available packages on your system. It's important to remember that you should try and break apart your TeX files into manageable chunks, so that you can modify them independently, or reuse the content in other documents. For example, instead of having a single TeX file for your EAGE abstract, you could have a separate TeX file that contains: % 2#1 statements that include additional TeX files for each section, such as the abstract, theory, discussion, conclusions, etc.

Additionally, Madagascar provides some convenience commands for often used LATEXfunctions. Here is a short description of some of those convenience commands that you may run across. Here's a brief list of these convenience functions:

These convenience functions are not available for every type of document, but are demonstrated in documents where they are available. The definition for the convenience functions may be found in the LATEXclass definitions listed at the end of this tutorial.

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