sflspiazpwdmig3 (4.0)
Least-Squares 3D Path-Summation Integral, Azimuthal Plane-Wave Destruction and Kirchhoff Modeling/Migration Chain of Operators

        sflspiazpwdmig3 < inp.rsf > out.rsf dip=dip.rsf az=azin.rsf vx=fvx.rsf vy=fvy.rsf vel=velFile.rsf snapsf=snapsf.rsf adj=n v_1= v_2= v_3= v_4= passthr=0.001 eps=0.001 epst2=0.001 pad=nt vel= rho=1.-1./nt apt=nx angle=90.0 order=1 nj1=1 nj2=1 sm=y domod=y dopi=y doanisodiff=y dothr=y doomp=n snaps=n dsnaps=1 initer=2 oniter=1 niter=10 repeat=1 anisoeps=1. thr= antialias= mode=

bool adj=n [y/n]
Adjoint flag
float angle=90.0
angle aperture
float anisoeps=1.
Anisotropic diffusion: regularization parameter
string antialias=
antialiasing type [triangle,flat,steep,none]
int apt=nx
integral aperture
file az=
auxiliary input file name
file dip=
auxiliary input file name
bool doanisodiff=y [y/n]
if perform anisotropic diffusion regularization
bool domod=y [y/n]
if perform Kirchhoff modeling/migration
bool doomp=n [y/n]
bool dopi=y [y/n]
if perform PI filtering
bool dothr=y [y/n]
if perform sparse regularization
int dsnaps=1
snapshots interval
float eps=0.001
Damper for pi
float epst2=0.001
Damper for t2warp
int initer=2
inner iterations
string mode=
'soft', 'hard', 'nng' (default: soft)
int niter=10
Anisotropic diffusion: number of conjugate-gradient iterations
int nj1=1
antialiasing iline
int nj2=1
antialiasing xline
int oniter=1
outer iterations
int order=1 [1,2,3]
accuracy order
int pad=nt
output time samples
float passthr=0.001
Threshold for tail elimination
int repeat=1
Anisotropic diffusion: number of smoothing iterations
float rho=1.-1./nt
Leaky integration constant
bool sm=y [y/n]
if perform AzPWD filtering
bool snaps=n [y/n]
if do snapshots of outer iterations
file snapsf=
auxiliary output file name
float thr=
Thresholding level
float v_1=
Path-integral range
float v_2=

float v_3=

float v_4=

float vel=
migration velocity for Kirchhoff
file vx=
auxiliary input file name
file vy=
auxiliary input file name

Used In
