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Convenors: Karl Schleicher (University of Texas Austin), Joseph Dellinger (BP),
Convenors: Karl Schleicher (University of Texas Austin), Joseph Dellinger (BP),
Helene Huck (dGB Earth Sciences), Tariq Alkhalifah (KAUST)<br>
Helene Huck (dGB Earth Sciences), Tariq Alkhalifah (KAUST)<br>
Workshop Introduction<br>
===Workshop Introduction===
09:00:00 AM Joe Dellinger, BP, A short history of E+P open source<br>
09:00 AM Joe Dellinger, BP, A short history of E+P open source<br>
Poster Introduction<br>
===Poster Introductions===
09:15:00 AM Bjorn Olofsson, Seabird Exploration, SeaSeis: a simple open-source seismic data processing system [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8UUlheFI5NktUb0dGazdTdTBYOUFRdw/edit Abstract] <br>
09:15 AM Bjorn Olofsson, Seabird Exploration, SeaSeis: a simple open-source seismic data processing system [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8UUlheFI5NktUb0dGazdTdTBYOUFRdw/edit Abstract] <br>
09:20:00 AM Nick Tanushev, Z-Terra, Comparison of open source seismic processing systems [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8YThZNXhUUUFSX0dnVVFPMjJPbk5mZw/edit Abstract]<br>
09:20 AM Nick Tanushev, Z-Terra, Comparison of open source seismic processing systems [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8YThZNXhUUUFSX0dnVVFPMjJPbk5mZw/edit Abstract]<br>
09:25:00 AM Chuck Mosher, ConocoPhillips, Parallel i/o and computing in javaSeis [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8eVpkX1ZlTzBUcDZpc3gyNDZFWDRkUQ/edit Abstract]<br>
09:25 AM Chuck Mosher, ConocoPhillips, Parallel i/o and computing in javaSeis [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8eVpkX1ZlTzBUcDZpc3gyNDZFWDRkUQ/edit Abstract]<br>
09:30:00 AM Ricardo Biloti, UNICAMP, Brazil, GeBR: a free seismic processing interface [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8T3FIM2hkMHFTR2VXNWJmSk1XcnVkdw/edit Abstract]<br>
09:30 AM Ricardo Biloti, UNICAMP, Brazil, GeBR: a free seismic processing interface [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8T3FIM2hkMHFTR2VXNWJmSk1XcnVkdw/edit Abstract]<br>
09:35:00 AM German Garabito, UFRN, Brazil, BotoSeis: An Interactive interface for seismic processing with Seismic Unix [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8VWwtdzVNR1pUVUdic213YVNTYVVoQQ/edit Abstract]<br>
09:35 AM German Garabito, UFRN, Brazil, BotoSeis: An Interactive interface for seismic processing with Seismic Unix [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8VWwtdzVNR1pUVUdic213YVNTYVVoQQ/edit Abstract]<br>
09:40:00 AM Poster Viewing<br>
The Open Source Trend in Geophysics<br>
===Poster Viewing===
10:25:00 AM J.I. Selvage, BG, Enhancing geophysical data analysis with open-source software [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8MkFDSDh2WnhSQldSbmNFZVpWdXc3UQ/edit Abstract]<br>
09:40 AM
10:45:00 AM Helene Huck, dGB Earth Sciences, The road to open source: sharing a ten years experience in building OpendTect, the open source seismic interpretation software [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8VWxZTGxDOGpUWi1TYW1URnV1LWRhdw/edit Abstract]<br>
11:05:00 AM Matt Hall, Agile Geoscience, Open mobile geocomputing [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8RVNyNUpXaWhUNEN4ZUFYYXBBZTVzdw/edit Abstract]<br>
11:25:00 AM Morning Wrap up<br>
===The Open Source Trend in Geophysics===
10:25 AM J.I. Selvage, BG, Enhancing geophysical data analysis with open-source software [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8MkFDSDh2WnhSQldSbmNFZVpWdXc3UQ/edit Abstract]<br>
10:45 AM Helene Huck, dGB Earth Sciences, The road to open source: sharing a ten years experience in building OpendTect, the open source seismic interpretation software [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8VWxZTGxDOGpUWi1TYW1URnV1LWRhdw/edit Abstract]<br>
11:05 AM Matt Hall, Agile Geoscience, Open mobile geocomputing [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8RVNyNUpXaWhUNEN4ZUFYYXBBZTVzdw/edit Abstract]<br>
11:25:00 AM Lunch<br>
===Morning Wrap up===
11:25 AM
11:30 AM
12:40:00 PM Sergey Fomel, University of Texas at Austin, Reproducible research<br>
12:40:00 PM Sergey Fomel, University of Texas at Austin, Reproducible research<br>
Poster Introduction<br>
===Poster Introduction===
01:00:00 PM Akshay Gulati, CggVeritas, Processing and attribute analysis of low-frequency Blackfoot data [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8aXVIWnZsRTJRdkN0ajJWQVJiMFFJUQ/edit Abstract]<br>
01:00:00 PM Akshay Gulati, CggVeritas, Processing and attribute analysis of low-frequency Blackfoot data [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8aXVIWnZsRTJRdkN0ajJWQVJiMFFJUQ/edit Abstract]<br>
01:05:00 PM Karl Schleicher, University of Texas at Austin, Open data library with open software scripts [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8dm81QzdWM2lUdVNkT0I2MGlSNi1zQQ/edit Abstract]<br>
01:05 PM Karl Schleicher, University of Texas at Austin, Open data library with open software scripts [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8dm81QzdWM2lUdVNkT0I2MGlSNi1zQQ/edit Abstract]<br>
01:10:00 PM Abdullatif A Al-Shuhail, Processing of seismic reflection data using Matlab [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8azFkU2VPTTBTT085MXZ6Z3ZhRk8wQQ/edit Abstract]<br>
01:10 PM Abdullatif A Al-Shuhail, Processing of seismic reflection data using Matlab [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8azFkU2VPTTBTT085MXZ6Z3ZhRk8wQQ/edit Abstract]<br>
01:15:00 PM Thomas Lasseter, GeoCloud Systems, An open-source real time data model and database [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8YjdlQXpTMHRTTG1ad3B5TUxMNWd4dw/edit Abstract]<br>
01:15 PM Thomas Lasseter, GeoCloud Systems, An open-source real time data model and database [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8YjdlQXpTMHRTTG1ad3B5TUxMNWd4dw/edit Abstract]<br>
01:20:00 PM Joe Dellinger, BP, BP's experience with open-source software and open datasets [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8WG9Md05yc0tTZTZURVVrNWtLenluUQ/edit Abstract]<br>
01:20 PM Joe Dellinger, BP, BP's experience with open-source software and open datasets [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8WG9Md05yc0tTZTZURVVrNWtLenluUQ/edit Abstract]<br>
01:25:00 PM Poster Viewing<br>
02:10:00 PM Processing Systems and Frameworks<br>
===Poster Viewing===
02:10:00 PM John Stockwell, Colorado School of Mines, A course in geophysical imaging processing using seismic unix [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8QmVJNG9YaW9RNHlzT01ITm5sYjZnUQ/edit Abstract]<br>
===Processing Systems and Frameworks===
02:30:00 PM Robert Clapp, Stanford University, SEPlib [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8Zlc1ZlExS1FSc1NPWFk5WHRaN1FqUQ/edit Abstract]<br>
02:10 PM John Stockwell, Colorado School of Mines, A course in geophysical imaging processing using seismic unix [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8QmVJNG9YaW9RNHlzT01ITm5sYjZnUQ/edit Abstract]<br>
02:50:00 PM William Symes, Rice University, Frameworks for modeling and inversion [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8T0ZZZElfeEZRQWUwekFYaVNqVFM5QQ/edit Abstract]<br>
02:30 PM Robert Clapp, Stanford University, SEPlib [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8Zlc1ZlExS1FSc1NPWFk5WHRaN1FqUQ/edit Abstract]<br>
03:10:00 PM Didrik Pinta, Enthought, Python for Geophysical data processing and Visualization [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8MUZTQ2NYQU9SWWFidEFFYXBERE9iQQ/edit Abstract]<br>
02:50 PM William Symes, Rice University, Frameworks for modeling and inversion [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8T0ZZZElfeEZRQWUwekFYaVNqVFM5QQ/edit Abstract]<br>
03:10 PM Didrik Pinta, Enthought, Python for Geophysical data processing and Visualization [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8MUZTQ2NYQU9SWWFidEFFYXBERE9iQQ/edit Abstract]<br>
Data Blitz <br>
===Data Blitz===
03:30:00 PM Lightning Talks, Karl Schleicher timekeeper, open presentations each less than 5 minutes. Signup for a spot![https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8RlN6NWdXSVRUSmk3MDZQY3JNZ2FyZw/edit  Abstract]<br>
03:30 PM Lightning Talks, Karl Schleicher timekeeper, open presentations each less than 5 minutes. Signup for a spot![https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8RlN6NWdXSVRUSmk3MDZQY3JNZ2FyZw/edit  Abstract]<br>
04:00:00 PM Challenges facing open source software developers and users, moderated by Tariq Alkhalifah [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8a2EwY1F4R0tRdHF6S3lVQ2xBQkFtZw/edit Abstract]<br>
04:00 PM Challenges facing open source software developers and users, moderated by Tariq Alkhalifah [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8a2EwY1F4R0tRdHF6S3lVQ2xBQkFtZw/edit Abstract]<br>
05:00:00 PM Adjourn<br>
05:00 PM<br>

Revision as of 12:02, 1 April 2012

This is the current agenda for the meeting. Minor changes are expected

EAGE Workshop Friday 8 June, 2012 9:00 – 17:00 hrs

Open-source E+P Software – Six years later

Convenors: Karl Schleicher (University of Texas Austin), Joseph Dellinger (BP), Helene Huck (dGB Earth Sciences), Tariq Alkhalifah (KAUST)

Workshop Introduction

09:00 AM Joe Dellinger, BP, A short history of E+P open source

Poster Introductions

09:15 AM Bjorn Olofsson, Seabird Exploration, SeaSeis: a simple open-source seismic data processing system Abstract
09:20 AM Nick Tanushev, Z-Terra, Comparison of open source seismic processing systems Abstract
09:25 AM Chuck Mosher, ConocoPhillips, Parallel i/o and computing in javaSeis Abstract
09:30 AM Ricardo Biloti, UNICAMP, Brazil, GeBR: a free seismic processing interface Abstract
09:35 AM German Garabito, UFRN, Brazil, BotoSeis: An Interactive interface for seismic processing with Seismic Unix Abstract

Poster Viewing

09:40 AM

The Open Source Trend in Geophysics

10:25 AM J.I. Selvage, BG, Enhancing geophysical data analysis with open-source software Abstract
10:45 AM Helene Huck, dGB Earth Sciences, The road to open source: sharing a ten years experience in building OpendTect, the open source seismic interpretation software Abstract
11:05 AM Matt Hall, Agile Geoscience, Open mobile geocomputing Abstract

Morning Wrap up

11:25 AM


11:30 AM


12:40:00 PM Sergey Fomel, University of Texas at Austin, Reproducible research

Poster Introduction

01:00:00 PM Akshay Gulati, CggVeritas, Processing and attribute analysis of low-frequency Blackfoot data Abstract
01:05 PM Karl Schleicher, University of Texas at Austin, Open data library with open software scripts Abstract
01:10 PM Abdullatif A Al-Shuhail, Processing of seismic reflection data using Matlab Abstract
01:15 PM Thomas Lasseter, GeoCloud Systems, An open-source real time data model and database Abstract
01:20 PM Joe Dellinger, BP, BP's experience with open-source software and open datasets Abstract

Poster Viewing

Processing Systems and Frameworks

02:10 PM John Stockwell, Colorado School of Mines, A course in geophysical imaging processing using seismic unix Abstract
02:30 PM Robert Clapp, Stanford University, SEPlib Abstract
02:50 PM William Symes, Rice University, Frameworks for modeling and inversion Abstract
03:10 PM Didrik Pinta, Enthought, Python for Geophysical data processing and Visualization Abstract

Data Blitz

03:30 PM Lightning Talks, Karl Schleicher timekeeper, open presentations each less than 5 minutes. Signup for a spot!Abstract


04:00 PM Challenges facing open source software developers and users, moderated by Tariq Alkhalifah Abstract


05:00 PM