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Let us improve self-documentation of Madagascar programs!
Listed below are selfdocs for programs in system/seismic (generated with sfdoc). Please edit the descriptions to make them more complete and/or easier to understand.
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Latest revision as of 10:40, 11 February 2013

Let us improve self-documentation of Madagascar programs!

Listed below are selfdocs for programs in system/seismic (generated with sfdoc). Please edit the descriptions to make them more complete and/or easier to understand.



Stack with antialiasing
sfaastack < inp.rsf > out.rsf adj=n inv=n n2=15 n2=1 vel=1.5 antialias=1. box=n
bool adj=n [y/n] adjoint flag
float antialias=1. antialiasing
bool box=n [y/n] box antialiasing
bool inv=n [y/n] inverse flag
int n2=1
float vel=1.5 velocity


Angle-gather constant-velocity time migration.
sfagmig < in.rsf > out.rsf vel= ng= dg= g0= na=nx a=80.
float a=80. maximum dip angle
float dg= reflection angle sampling
float g0= reflection angle origin
int na=nx number of dip angles
int ng= number of reflection angles
float vel= velocity


1-D convolution modeling.
sfai2refl < ai.rsf > mod.rsf


Compute intercept and gradient by least squares.
sfavo < cmp.rsf > avo.rsf offset=offset.rsf half=y
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
string offset= auxiliary input file name


2-D beam spraying.
sfbeamspray < in.rsf dip=dip.rsf cur=cur.rsf > out.rsf rect=3 type=
file cur= auxiliary input file name
file dip= auxiliary input file name
int rect=3 smoothing radius
string type= beam type


Cartesian-Coordinates to Riemannian-Coordinates interpolation
sfc2r < Fi.rsf rays=Fr.rsf > Fo.rsf verb=n adj=n linear=y a2n=1 a2o=0. a2d=1. a1n=1 a1o=0. a1d=1.
float a1d=1.
int a1n=1
float a1o=0.
float a2d=1.
int a2n=1
float a2o=0.
bool adj=n [y/n]
bool linear=y [y/n]
file rays= auxiliary input file name
bool verb=n [y/n]


Velocity partitioning for cascaded migrations.
sfcascade < in.rsf > out.rsf ntcut= tcut= ncut=1
int ncut=1 number of cuts
ints ntcut= [ncut]
floats tcut= time cuts [ncut]


Second-order cell ray tracing with locally parabolic rays.
sfcell2 < vel.rsf > time.rsf shotfile=shots.rsf anglefile=angles.rsf vel=y order=4 nt=nx*nz nr= a0=0. amax=360. traj= > rays.rsf
Rays and wavefronts can be displayed with sfplotrays.
float a0=0. First angle in degrees (if anglefile is not specified)
float amax=360. Maximum angle in degrees (if anglefile is not specified)
string anglefile= file with initial angles (auxiliary input file name)
int nr= Number of angles (if anglefile is not specified)
int nt=nx*nz number of time steps
int order=4 Interpolation accuracy
string shotfile= file with shot locations (auxiliary input file name)
string traj=
bool vel=y [y/n] If y, the input is velocity; if n, slowness


Second-order cell ray tracing with locally parabolic rays in 3-D.
sfcell3 < vel.rsf > time.rsf shotfile=shots.rsf anglefile=angles.rsf vel=y order=4 nt=nx*nz na= nb= a0=0. amax=360. b0=0. bmax=180. traj= > rays.rsf
Rays and wavefronts can be displayed with sfplotrays.
float a0=0. First azimuth angle in degrees (if anglefile is not specified)
float amax=360. Maximum azimuth angle in degrees (if anglefile is not specified)
string anglefile= file with initial angles (auxiliary input file name)
float b0=0. First inclination angle in degrees (if anglefile is not specified)
float bmax=180. Maximum inclination angle in degrees (if anglefile is not specified)
int na= Number of azimuths (if anglefile is not specified)
int nb= Number of inclinations (if anglefile is not specified)
int nt=nx*nz number of time steps
int order=4 Interpolation accuracy
string shotfile= file with shot locations (auxiliary input file name)
string traj=
bool vel=y [y/n] If y, the input is velocity; if n, slowness


Hyperbolic Radon transform with conjugate-directions inversion
sfcgscan < in.rsf > out.rsf error=err.rsf mask=msk.rsf adj=n niter=0 miter=2 psun1=1 psun2=1 anti=1. s02=0. ncycle=0 perc=50.0
bool adj=n [y/n] adjoint flag
float anti=1. antialiasing
string error= auxiliary output file name
string mask= auxiliary input file name
int miter=2 conjugate-direction memory
int ncycle=0 number of sharpening cycles
int niter=0 number of iterations
float perc=50.0 percentage for sharpening
int psun1=1 amplitude type for adjoint
int psun2=1 amplitude type for forward
float s02=0. reference slowness squared (for antialiasing)


Convert CMPs to shots for regular 2-D geometry.
sfcmp2shot < in.rsf > out.rsf positive=y
bool positive=y [y/n] initial offset orientation


2-D implicit finite-difference migration in constant velocity.
sfconstfdmig2 < data.rsf > imag.rsf movie=movie.rsf nz=2*(nw-1) dz=1./(nz*dw) vel= hi=y sixth=1./12
float dz=1./(nz*dw) vertical time sampling
bool hi=y [y/n] if y, use 45-degree; n, 15-degree
string movie= auxiliary output file name
int nz=2*(nw-1) vertical time samples
float sixth=1./12 one-sixth trick
float vel= constant velocity


Inverse cos to angle transformation
sfcos2ang < Fstk.rsf > Fang.rsf velocity=velocity.rsf na=nt da=90/(nt-1) a0=0. extend=4 top=n
float a0=0. angle origin
float da=90/(nt-1) angle sampling
int extend=4 tmp extension
int na=nt number of angles
bool top=n [y/n] velocity scaling option
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


Conversion from depth to time in a V(z) medium.
sfdepth2time < in.rsf velocity=velocity.rsf > out.rsf nt= dt= t0= slow=n eps=0.01

Transforms function of z to function of

tau = Integral[2/v[x,n],{n,0,z}]
float dt= Time sampling (default is d1)
float eps=0.01 smoothness parameter
int nt= Number of points in time (default is n1)
bool slow=n [y/n] y: slowness, n: velocity
float t0= Time origin (default is 0)
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


Diffraction focusing test.
sfdiffoc < inp.rsf > out.rsf v0=SF_EPS v= pad=nt pad2=2*kiss_fft_next_fast_size((n2+1)/2) extend=4
int extend=4 trace extension
int pad=nt padding for stretch
int pad2=2*kiss_fft_next_fast_size((n2+1)/2) padding for FFT
float v= final velocity
float v0=SF_EPS initial velocity


Generate diffractions in zero-offset data.
sfdiffraction < w1.rsf w2=w2.rsf w12=w12.rsf spikes=spikes.rsf > data.rsf freq=0.2/dt
float freq=0.2/dt peak frequency for Ricker wavelet
file spikes= auxiliary input file name
file w12= auxiliary input file name
file w2= auxiliary input file name


Diffraction imaging in the plane-wave domain.
sfdimag < cmp.rsf > scan.rsf semblance=n nb=2 v0= dv= nv= extend=4 mute=12 str=0. x0=
float dv=
int extend=4 trace extension
int mute=12 mute zone
int nb=2 semblance averaging
int nv=
bool semblance=n [y/n] if y, compute semblance; if n, stack
float str=0. maximum stretch allowed
float v0=
float x0=


Kirchhoff DMO with antialiasing by reparameterization.
sfdmo < in.rsf > out.rsf mint=2 n=32 adj=y inv=n type=1 h= half=y velhalf=0.75
bool adj=y [y/n] adjoint flag
float h=
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the third axis is half-offset instead of full offset
bool inv=n [y/n] inversion flag
int mint=2 starting time sample
int n=32 number of offset samples
int type=1 type of amplitude (0,1,2,3)
float velhalf=0.75 half-velocity


Prestack 2-D VTI v(z) modeling/migration by DSR with angle gathers.
sfdsr < in.rsf > out.rsf velocity=vel.rsf velz=velz.rsf eta=eta.rsf inv=n eps=0.01 depth=n na=1 da=90. nt= dt= t0=0. nh= dh= nz=nt dz=dt vel= vz=v0 n=0.0 nw=nt2/2+1 rule= arule=
string arule= angle gather rule
float da=90. angle sampling (in degrees)
bool depth=n [y/n] if true, depth migration
float dh= Offset sampling (for modeling)
float dt= Sampling of time axis (for modeling)
float dz=dt Sampling of depth axis (for migration, if no velocity file)
float eps=0.01 Stabilization parameter
string eta= auxiliary input file name
bool inv=n [y/n] If y, modeling; If n, migration
float n=0.0 Constant eta (if no velocity file)
int na=1 number of angles
int nh= Number of offsets (for modeling)
int nt= Length of time axis (for modeling)
int nw=nt2/2+1 Maximum number of frequencies
int nz=nt Length of depth axis (for migration, if no velocity file)
string rule= phase-shift interpolation rule (simple, midpoint, linear, anisotropic, dti)
float t0=0.
float vel= Constant velocity (if no velocity file)
string velocity= file with velocity (file with velocity (auxiliary input file name))
string velz= auxiliary input file name
float vz=v0 Constant vertical velocity (if no velocity file)


2-D prestack modeling/migration with split-step DSR.
sfdsr2 < in.rsf > out.rsf slowness=vel.rsf inv=n verb=n eps=0.01 nt=1 nr=1 dt=0.004 npad=0 nw= dw= w0=0.
float dt=0.004 time error
float dw= Frequency sampling (for modeling)
float eps=0.01 stability parameter
bool inv=n [y/n] If y, modeling; if n, migration
int npad=0 padding on offset wavenumber
int nr=1 maximum number of references
int nt=1 taper size
int nw= Length of frequency axis (for modeling)
file slowness= auxiliary input file name
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag
float w0=0. Frequency origin (for modeling)


Compute data envelope or phase rotation.
sfenvelope < in.rsf > out.rsf order=100 ref=1. hilb=n phase=90.

November 2011 program of the month:
bool hilb=n [y/n] if y, compute Hilbert transform
int order=100 Hilbert transformer order
float phase=90. phase shift (in degrees) to use with hilb=y
float ref=1. Hilbert transformer reference (0.5 < ref <= 1)


Offset continuation by finite differences
sffincon < input.rsf > output.rsf nh= dh= h0= all=n
bool all=n [y/n] if y, output all offsets
float dh= Offset step size
float h0= Initial offset
int nh= Number of steps in offset


DMO without stacking by finite-difference offset continuation.
sffindmo < cmp.rsf > stk.rsf


DMO and stack by finite-difference offset continuation.
sffinstack < cmp.rsf > stk.rsf


Computes Azimuth Move-Out (AMO) operator in the f-k log-stretch domain
sffkamo < in.rsf > out.rsf h1= h2= f1= f2= maxe=10.
float f1= input azimuth in degrees
float f2= output azimuth in degrees
float h1= input offset
float h2= output offset
float maxe=10. stability constraint


Offset continuation by log-stretch F-K operator.
sffkdmo < in.rsf > out.rsf h= nh=1 h0=0.
float h= final offset
float h0=0. initial offset
int nh=1 number of offset steps


Make a seismic foldplot/stacking chart.
sffold < in.rsf > out.rsf verbose=1 o1= o2= o3= n1= n2= n3= d1= d2= d3= label1= label2= label3=

This is a general 3D histogram program implemented to create foldplot or
stacking charts on a 3d project from trace headers. Axis1, 2 and 3 define
the bins for the output fold map. These are usually (offset,xline,iline),
but you might want to compute some other histogram. This can be done by
selecting other segy headers using label1, 2 and 3.

See also fold= option in sfbin for creating 2D histograms.


To make a stacking chart movie showing fold(xline,offset) for each inline
from a 3d segyfile:

sfsegyread tfile=tteapot.rsf hfile=teapot.asc bfile=teapot.bin \
tape=npr3_field.sgy > teapot.rsf

# read the tfile, which contains the segy trace headers
< tteapot.rsf sfdd type=float \
| sffold verbose=1 \
o1=0 n1=96 d1=200 label1=offset \
o2=1 n2=188 d2=1 label2=xline \
o3=1 n3=345 d3=1 label3=iline \
<foldplot.rsf sfgrey title=foldplot pclip=100 \
| sfpen

# transpose this data to plot foldmaps for each offset window:

< foldplot.rsf sftransp plane=13 \
| sftransp plane=12 \
| sfgrey title=foldplot_off gainpanel=all \
| sfpen
float d1= Delta label1 - usually delta offset
float d2= Delta label2 - usually delta xline
float d3= Delta label3 - usually delta iline
string label1= header for axis1 - usually offset
string label2= header for axis2 - usually xline or cdp
string label3= header for axis3 - usually iline
int n1= Number label1 - usually number offset
int n2= Number label2 - usually number xline
int n3= Number label3 - usually number iline
float o1= Minimum label1 - usually min offset
float o2= Minimum label2 - usually min xline
float o3= Minimum label3 - usually min iline
int verbose=1 0 terse, 1 informative, 2 chatty, 3 debug


Prestack velocity continuation.
sffourvc < in.rsf > out.rsf eps=0.01 pad=n1 pad2=2*kiss_fft_next_fast_size((n2+1)/2) verb=n nv= dv= extend=4 v0=
float dv= velocity step size
float eps=0.01 regularization
int extend=4 trace extension
int nv= velocity steps
int pad=n1 padding for stretch
int pad2=2*kiss_fft_next_fast_size((n2+1)/2) padding for FFT
float v0= starting velocity
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag


Velocity continuation after NMO.
sffourvc0 < in.rsf > out.rsf eps=0.01 pad=n1 pad2=2*kiss_fft_next_fast_size((n2+1)/2) verb=n nv= dv= extend=4
float dv=
float eps=0.01
int extend=4 trace extension
int nv=
int pad=n1
int pad2=2*kiss_fft_next_fast_size((n2+1)/2)
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag


Velocity continuation with semblance computation.
sffourvc2 < in.rsf > out.rsf nb=2 eps=0.01 pad=n1 pad2=2*kiss_fft_next_fast_size((n2+1)/2) nv= dv= semblance=y extend=4
float dv=
float eps=0.01
int extend=4 trace extension
int nb=2
int nv=
int pad=n1
int pad2=2*kiss_fft_next_fast_size((n2+1)/2)
bool semblance=y [y/n] if y, compute semblance; if n, stack


1-D data regularization using freqlet transform
sffreqint < in.rsf > out.rsf freq=w.rsf coord=coord.rsf n1= d1= o1= niter=10 ncycle=1 eps=1.0 inv=n perc=50.0 type=
file coord= auxiliary input file name
float d1= output sampling
float eps=1.0 regularization parameter
file freq= auxiliary input file name
bool inv=n [y/n] inversion flag
int n1= output samples
int ncycle=1 number of IRLS iterations
int niter=10 number of iterations for inversion
float o1= output origin
float perc=50.0 percentage for sharpening
string type= [haar,linear,biorthogonal] wavelet type, the default is linear


1-D seislet frame
sffreqlet < in.rsf > out.rsf freq=w.rsf inv=n verb=y decomp=n ncycle=0 niter=1 perc=50.0 type=
bool decomp=n [y/n] do decomposition
file freq= auxiliary input file name
bool inv=n [y/n] if y, do inverse transform
int ncycle=0 number of iterations
int niter=1 number of Bregman iterations
float perc=50.0 percentage for sharpening
string type= [haar,linear,biorthogonal] wavelet type, the default is linear
bool verb=y [y/n] verbosity flag


Post-stack 2-D v(z) time modeling/migration with Gazdag phase-shift.
sfgazdag < in.rsf > out.rsf velocity=vel.rsf velz=velz.rsf eta=eta.rsf inv=n eps=0.01 verb=n depth=n nt= dt= nz= dz= vel= vz=v0 n=0.0 pad=2*kiss_fft_next_fast_size((nt+1)/2) rule=
bool depth=n [y/n] if true, depth migration
float dt= Sampling of time axis (for modeling)
float dz= Sampling of depth axis (for migration, if no velocity file)
float eps=0.01 stabilization parameter
string eta= auxiliary input file name
bool inv=n [y/n] if y, modeling; if n, migration
float n=0.0 Constant eta (if no velocity file)
int nt= Length of time axis (for modeling)
int nz= Length of depth axis (for migration, if no velocity file)
int pad=2*kiss_fft_next_fast_size((nt+1)/2)
string rule= phase-shift interpolation rule (simple, midpoint, linear)
float vel= Constant velocity (if no velocity file)
string velocity= auxiliary input file name
string velz= auxiliary input file name
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag
float vz=v0 Constant vertical velocity (if no velocity file)


Half-order integration or differentiation.
sfhalfint < in.rsf > out.rsf adj=n inv=n rho=1.-1./n1

December 2012 program of the month:
bool adj=n [y/n] If y, apply adjoint
bool inv=n [y/n] If y, do differentiation instead of integration
float rho=1.-1./n1 Leaky integration constant


Integer header attributes.
sfheaderattr < head.rsf

Only nonzero values are reported.


Mathematical operations, possibly on header keys.
sfheadermath < in.rsf > out.rsf memsize=sf_memsize() output=

Known functions: cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, atan,
cosh, sinh, tanh, acosh, asinh, atanh,
exp, log, sqrt, abs

See also sfmath.

An addition operation can be performed by sfstack.
int memsize=sf_memsize() Max amount of RAM (in Mb) to be used
string output= Describes the output in a mathematical notation.


2-D Huygens wavefront tracing traveltimes
sfhwt2d < Fv.rsf > Fw.rsf verb=n rays=n xsou=sf_o(ax) + nx*sf_d(ax)/2 zsou=sf_o(az) + nz*sf_d(az)/2 nt=100 ot=0 dt=0.001 ng=360 og=-180 dg=1
float dg=1
float dt=0.001
int ng=360
int nt=100
float og=-180
float ot=0
bool rays=n [y/n] velocity file
bool verb=n [y/n]
float xsou=sf_o(ax) + nx*sf_d(ax)/2
float zsou=sf_o(az) + nz*sf_d(az)/2


Huygens wavefront tracing traveltimes
sfhwtex < Fv.rsf sou=Fs.rsf > Fw.rsf verb=n nt=100 ot=0 dt=0.001
float dt=0.001
int nt=100
float ot=0
file sou= auxiliary input file name
bool verb=n [y/n] velocity file


Shot interpolation.
sfinfill < in.rsf > out.rsf eps=0.1 positive=y
float eps=0.1 regularization parameter
bool positive=y [y/n] initial offset orientation


Inverse normal moveout.
sfinmo < cmp.rsf velocity=velocity.rsf > nmod.rsf offset=offset.rsf half=y slowness=n h0=0. eps=0.01
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
float h0=0. reference offset
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
string offset= auxiliary input file name
bool slowness=n [y/n] if y, use slowness instead of velocity
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


3-D Inverse normal moveout.
sfinmo3 < cmp.rsf > nmod.rsf velocity=vel.rsf half=y eps=0.01 extend=8

velocity file contains slowness squared with n2=3 (wx,wy,wxy)
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
int extend=8 trace extension
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second and third axes are half-offset instead of full offset
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


Data binning by trace sorting.
sfintbin < in.rsf > out.rsf xkey= ykey= xmin= xmax= ymin= ymax= head= xk= yk= mask=

The input is 2-D (n1 x ntr). The output is 3-D (n1 x n2 x n3), n2 and
n3 correspond to two selected keys from the header file.
string head= header file
string mask= output mask file
string xk= x key name
int xkey= x key number (if no xk), default is fldr
int xmax= x maximum
int xmin= x minimum
string yk= y key name
int ykey= y key number (if no yk), default is tracf
int ymax= y maximum
int ymin= y minimum


4-D data binning.
sfintbin3 < in.rsf > out.rsf xkey= ykey= zkey= xmin= xmax= ymin= ymax= zmin= zmax= head= xk= yk= zk= mask=
string head= header file
string mask= output mask file
string xk= x key name
int xkey= x key number (if no xk), default is fldr
int xmax= x maximum
int xmin= x minimum
string yk= y key name
int ykey= y key number (if no yk), default is tracf
int ymax= y maximum
int ymin= y minimum
string zk= z key name
int zkey= z key number (if no zk), default is tracf
int zmax= z maximum
int zmin= z minimum


inverse sin to angle transformation
sfisin2ang < Fstk.rsf > Fang.rsf velocity=velocity.rsf na=nt da=90/(nt-1) a0=0. extend=4 top=n
float a0=0. angle origin
float da=90/(nt-1) angle sampling
int extend=4 tmp extension
int na=nt number of angles
bool top=n [y/n] velocity scaling option
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


Inverse normal moveout in tau-p domain.
sfitaupmo < cmp.rsf velocity=velocity.rsf > nmod.rsf eta=eta.rsf interval=y eps=0.01
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
string eta= auxiliary input file name
bool interval=y [y/n] use interval velocity
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


Inverse normal moveout in tau-p-x domain.
sfitaupmo2 < cmp.rsf velocity=velocity.rsf > nmod.rsf nx= dx= x0=0.0 nw=4
float dx= offset sampling
int nw=4 interpolator size (2,3,4,6,8)
int nx= number of offsets
file velocity= auxiliary input file name
float x0=0.0 first offset


3-D Inverse taup normal moveout.
sfitaupmo3 < cmp.rsf > nmod.rsf velocity=vel.rsf eps=0.01 slow=n interval=y extend=8

velocity file contains velocity squared with n2=3 (vx,vy,vxy)
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
int extend=8 trace extension
bool interval=y [y/n] use interval velocity
bool slow=n [y/n] slowness [y] or velocity [n] squared
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


Forward and inverse normal moveout with interval velocity.
sfitxmo < inp.rsf > out.rsf velocity=velocity.rsf inv=n nx= dx= x0=0. np= dp= eps=0.01
float dp= slope sampling
float dx= offset sampling
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
bool inv=n [y/n]
int np= slope samples
int nx= offset samples
file velocity= auxiliary input file name
float x0=0. first offset


Inverse 1-D warping.
sfiwarp < in.rsf > out.rsf warp=warp.rsf inv=y n1=nt eps=0.01 d1=1 o1=0

September 2012 program of the month:
float d1=1 output sampling - for inv=y
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
bool inv=y [y/n] inversion flag
int n1=nt output samples - for inv=y
float o1=0 output origin - for inv=y
file warp= auxiliary input file name


Inverse 2-D warping
sfiwarp2 < in.rsf > out.rsf warp=warp.rsf inv=y n1=nt n2=nx eps=0.01 d1=1 o1=0
float d1=1 output sampling - for inv=y
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
bool inv=y [y/n] inversion flag
int n1=nt
int n2=nx output samples - for inv=y
float o1=0 output origin - for inv=y
file warp= auxiliary input file name


Inverse 3-D warping
sfiwarp3 < in.rsf > out.rsf warp=warp.rsf inv=y n1=nt n2=ny n3=nx eps=0.01 d1=1 o1=0
float d1=1 output sampling - for inv=y
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
bool inv=y [y/n] inversion flag
int n1=nt
int n2=ny
int n3=nx output samples - for inv=y
float o1=0 output origin - for inv=y
file warp= auxiliary input file name


Kirchhoff 2-D post-stack least-squares time migration with antialiasing.
sfkirchinv < in.rsf > out.rsf velocity=vel.rsf hd=y ps=y sw=0 niter=10 err=

Antialiasing by reparameterization.
string err= output file for error
bool hd=y [y/n] if y, apply half-derivative filter
int niter=10 number of iterations
bool ps=y [y/n] if y, apply pseudo-unitary weighting
int sw=0 if > 0, select a branch of the antialiasing operation
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


Kirchhoff 2-D post-stack time migration and modeling with antialiasing.
sfkirchnew < in.rsf > out.rsf velocity=vel.rsf adj=y hd=y sw=0 v0=

Antialiasing by reparameterization.
bool adj=y [y/n] yes: migration, no: modeling
bool hd=y [y/n] if y, apply half-derivative filter
int sw=0 if > 0, select a branch of the antialiasing operation
float v0= constant velocity (if no velocity=)
string velocity= velocity file (auxiliary input file name)


Kirchhoff 2-D/2.5-D modeling with analytical Green's functions.
sfkirmod < modl.rsf > data.rsf curv=curv.rsf refl=refl.rsf picks=picks.rsf slopes=slopes.rsf lin=n adj=n absoff=n nt= dt=0.004 t0=0. ns=nx s0=x0 ds=dx nh=nx h0=0. dh=dx verb=n r0=1. r0=1. twod=n cmp=n freq=0.2/dt vel= gradx= gradz= velz= eta= refx= refz= vel2= gradx2= gradz2= rgrad= dip= type= type2=

October 2012 program of the month:
bool absoff=n [y/n] y - h0 is not in shot coordinate system
bool adj=n [y/n] adjoint flag
bool cmp=n [y/n] compute CMP instead of shot gathers
file curv= auxiliary input file name
float dh=dx offset increment
string dip= reflector dip file
float ds=dx shot/midpoint increment
float dt=0.004 time sampling
float eta= parameter for VTI anisotropy
float freq=0.2/dt peak frequency for Ricker wavelet
float gradx= horizontal velocity gradient
float gradx2= converted velocity, horizontal gradient
float gradz= vertical velocity gradient
float gradz2= converted velocity, vertical gradient
float h0=0. first offset
bool lin=n [y/n] if linear operator
int nh=nx number of offsets
int ns=nx number of shots (midpoints if cmp=y)
int nt= time samples
string picks= auxiliary output file name
float r0=1. normal reflectivity (if constant)
string refl= auxiliary input file name
float refx= reference x-coordinate for velocity
float refz= reference z-coordinate for velocity
string rgrad= AVO gradient file (B/A)
float s0=x0 first shot (midpoint if cmp=y)
string slopes= auxiliary output file name
float t0=0. time origin
bool twod=n [y/n] 2-D or 2.5-D
string type= type of velocity, 'c': constant, 's': linear sloth, 'v': linear velocity, 'a': VTI anisotropy
string type2= type of velocity for the converted (receiver side) branch
float vel= velocity
float vel2= converted velocity
float velz= vertical velocity for VTI anisotropy
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag


Kirchhoff 3-D modeling with analytical Green's functions.
sfkirmod3 < curv.rsf > modl.rsf head=head.rsf refl=refl.rsf nt= dt=0.004 t0=0. absoff=n nsx=nx s0x=x0 dsx=dx nsy=ny s0y=y0 dsy=dy nhx=nx h0x=0. dhx=dx nhy=ny h0y=0. dhy=dy r0=1. aper=hypotf(nx*dx,ny*dy) freq=0.2/dt rgrad= dipx= dipy= type=
bool absoff=n [y/n] y - h0x, h0y - are not in shot coordinate system
float aper=hypotf(nx*dx,ny*dy) aperture
float dhx=dx inline offset increment
float dhy=dy crossline offset increment
string dipx=
string dipy=
float dsx=dx inline shot increment
float dsy=dy crossline shot increment
float dt=0.004 time sampling
float freq=0.2/dt peak frequency for Ricker wavelet
float h0x=0. first inline offset
float h0y=0. first crossline offset
string head= source-receiver geometry (optional) (auxiliary input file name)
int nhx=nx number of inline offsets
int nhy=ny number of crossline offsets
int nsx=nx number of inline shots
int nsy=ny number of crossline shots
int nt= time samples
float r0=1. constant reflectivity
string refl= auxiliary input file name
string rgrad=
float s0x=x0 first inline shot
float s0y=y0 first crossline shot
float t0=0. time origin
string type= type of velocity ('c': constant, 's': linear sloth, 'v': linear velocity)


Solve for angle in equation vx*sin(d) + vy*cos(d) = 1/s0.
sflinsincos < in.rsf > out.rsf s0= na= da= oa= nt=180 dt=2. ot=0. nr=nvx/2 dr=dvx extend=4
float da= angle sampling.
float dr=dvx radius sampling.
float dt=2. polar angle sampling.
int extend=4 tmp extension
int na= number of angle values.
int nr=nvx/2 number of radius on radial lines
int nt=180 number of polar angle for integration.
float oa= angle origin
float ot=0. polar angle origin
float s0= reference slowness


From parameter's attribute map (veltran) to coherency-like plots.
sfmap2coh < cmp.rsf map=map.rsf > coh.rsf nv= v0= dv= min2=o2 max2=o2+d2*(n2-1) nw=4
(eventually masked)
float dv= velocity sampling
string map= parameters map (auxiliary input file name)
float max2=o2+d2*(n2-1) max2
float min2=o2 min2
int nv= number of velocities
int nw=4 interpolator size (2,3,4,6,8)
float v0= velocity origin


3-D Kirchhoff time migration for antialiased steep dips.
sfmigsteep3 < in.rsf hdr=head.rsf > mig.rsf n2= d2= o2= n3= d3= o3= n1= vel=

Combine with sfmig3 antialias=flat for the complete response.
float d2=
float d3=
file hdr= auxiliary input file name
int n1=
int n2=
int n3=
float o2=
float o3=
float vel= migration velocity


Normal reflectivity modeling.
sfmodrefl < depth.rsf vp=vp.rsf vs=vs.rsf rho=rho.rsf > dat.rsf nt= dt= nw=4
float dt= time sampling
int nt= time samples
int nw=4 interpolation length
file rho= auxiliary input file name
file vp= auxiliary input file name
file vs= auxiliary input file name


Normal reflectivity modeling.
sfmodrefl2 < in.rsf > out.rsf nt= dt= nw=4

In this version, the input contains Vp, Vs, and density into one file.
The output contains PP intercept, PP gradient, and PS gradient.
float dt= time sampling
int nt= time samples
int nw=4 interpolation length


Normal reflectivity modeling.
sfmodrefl3 < in.rsf > out.rsf sparse=10 moveout=y nt= dt= np= dp= p0= eps=0.01

In this version, the input contains Vp, Vs, and density into one file.
The output contains PP and PS tau-p seismograms.
float dp= slope sampling
float dt= time sampling
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
bool moveout=y [y/n] if apply moveout
int np= slope samples
int nt= time samples
float p0= slope origin
int sparse=10 sparseness of reflectivity


Put spikes at an arbitrary moveout
sfmoveout < warp.rsf > out.rsf n1= d1=1. o1=0. eps=0.1 nw=10
float d1=1. time sampling
float eps=0.1 stretch regularization
int n1= time samples
int nw=10 wavelet length
float o1=0. time origin


Normal moveout.
sfnmo < cmp.rsf velocity=velocity.rsf > nmod.rsf s=het.rsf offset=offset.rsf mask=msk.rsf half=y str=0.5 mute=12 CDPtype= slowness=n squared=n h0=0. extend=4 a=

Compatible with sfvscan.
int CDPtype=
string a=
int extend=4 trace extension
float h0=0. reference offset
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
string mask= auxiliary input file name
int mute=12 mute zone
string offset= auxiliary input file name
string s= auxiliary input file name
bool slowness=n [y/n] if y, use slowness instead of velocity
bool squared=n [y/n] if y, the slowness or velocity is squared
float str=0.5 maximum stretch allowed
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


3-D Normal moveout.
sfnmo3 < cmp.rsf > nmod.rsf velocity=vel.rsf offset=offset.rsf half=y eps=0.01 mute=12 extend=8

input data has gathers along *4th* axis;
velocity file contains slowness squared with n2=3 (wx,wy,wxy);
offset file contains x,y offset pairs for input data
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
int extend=8 trace extension
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second and third axes are half-offset instead of full offset
int mute=12 mute zone
string offset= auxiliary input file name
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


Least-squares fitting of t^2-t_0^2 surfaces for isotropic V_{nmo}.
sfnmov < inp.rsf > out.rsf


Least-squares fitting of t^2-t_0^2 surfaces for elliptical slowness matrix, W.
sfnmow < inp.rsf > out.rsf offset=offset.rsf half=y nw=3
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
int nw=3
string offset= If offset file is provided, it must be of the form:(auxiliary input file name)


sfnmow_adj < inp.rsf > out.rsf gather=gather.rsf adj=n nw=3
bool adj=n [y/n]
file gather= auxiliary input file name
int nw=3


Oriented velocity continuation.
sfovc < in.rsf > out.rsf eps=0.1 nv=1 lagrange=n v0=0. vmax=

Axis order: t, p, x
float eps=0.1 stretch regularization
bool lagrange=n [y/n] Use Lagrangian method
int nv=1 number of velocity steps
float v0=0. starting velocity
float vmax= end velocity


Oriented one-way wave equation.
sfoway1 < in.rsf > out.rsf velocity=vel.rsf vgrad=vgrad.rsf eps=0.1 lagrange=n

Axis order: x, p, t
float eps=0.1 stretch regularization
bool lagrange=n [y/n] Use Lagrangian method
file velocity= auxiliary input file name
file vgrad= auxiliary input file name


Slope-based prestack time migration.
sfpmig < cmp.rsf xdip=xdip.rsf hdip=hdip.rsf > mig.rsf half=y mzo=n eps=1.0
float eps=1.0 stretch regularization
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
file hdip= auxiliary input file name
bool mzo=n [y/n] do migration to zero offset
file xdip= auxiliary input file name


Slope-based normal moveout.
sfpnmo < cmp.rsf dip=dip.rsf > nmod.rsf vel=vel.rsf offset=offset.rsf crv=crv.rsf eta=eta.rsf half=y eps=0.01
string crv= auxiliary input file name
file dip= auxiliary input file name
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
file eta= auxiliary output file name
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
string offset= auxiliary input file name
file vel= auxiliary output file name


Slope-based normal moveout for 3-D CMP geometry.
sfpnmo3d < cmp.rsf dipx=dipx.rsf dipy=dipy.rsf > nmod.rsf vel=vel.rsf half=y eps=0.01 extend=8
file dipx= auxiliary input file name
file dipy= auxiliary input file name
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
int extend=8 trace extension
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
file vel= auxiliary output file name


Transform PP angle gathers to PS angle gathers.
sfpp2psang < in.rsf > out.rsf vpvs=vpvs.rsf nw=4 inv=n
* (designed for absolute offsets)
bool inv=n [y/n] if y, do inverse transform
int nw=4 accuracy level
file vpvs= auxiliary input file name


Transform PP angle gathers to PS angle gathers.
sfpp2psang2 < in.rsf > out.rsf vpvs=vpvs.rsf dip=dip.rsf verb=n nw=4 inv=n
* (designed for horizontal offsets)
file dip= auxiliary input file name
bool inv=n [y/n] if y, do inverse transform
int nw=4 accuracy level
bool verb=n [y/n]
file vpvs= auxiliary input file name


Compute angle gathers for time-shift imaging condition
sfpp2pstsic < Fstk.rsf velocity=Fvel.rsf vpvs=Fgam.rsf dip=Fdip.rsf > Fang.rsf na=nv da=1./(nv-1) a0=0. extend=4
float a0=0.
float da=1./(nv-1)
file dip= auxiliary input file name
int extend=4 tmp extension
int na=nv
file velocity= auxiliary input file name
file vpvs= auxiliary input file name


Prestack Kirchhoff modeling/migration in constant velocity.
sfpreconstkirch < in.rsf > out.rsf inv=n zero=n aal=y nh= dh= h0= vel=

Requires the input to be in (time,cmp x,cmp y,offset)
bool aal=y [y/n] if y, apply antialiasing
float dh= offset sampling
float h0= offset origin
bool inv=n [y/n] if y, modeling; if n, migration
int nh= number of offsets
float vel= velocity
bool zero=n [y/n] if y, stack in migration


Prestack Stolt modeling/migration.
sfprestolt < in.rsf > out.rsf inv=n depth=n nh= dh= stack=y vel= pad=nt extend=4
bool depth=n [y/n] y: depth migration, n: time migration
float dh= offset sampling
int extend=4 trace extension
bool inv=n [y/n] y: modeling, n: migration
int nh= number of offsets
int pad=nt padding on the time axis
bool stack=y [y/n] if y: stack migrated image
float vel= constant velocity


Slope-based tau-p moveout.
sfptaupmo < inp.rsf dip=dip.rsf dipt=dipt.rsf > nmod.rsf vel2=vel2.rsf eps=0.01 v0=0. type=
file dip= auxiliary input file name
file dipt= auxiliary input file name
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
string type= transform type
float v0=0. initial velocity
file vel2= auxiliary output file name


Slope-based tau-p 3D moveout.
sfptaupmo3 < inp.rsf dip1=dip1.rsf dip2=dip2.rsf > nmod.rsf tau0=tau0.rsf eps=0.01
string dip1= slope field mesaure along dimension 2(auxiliary input file name)
string dip2= slope field mesaure along dimension 3(auxiliary input file name)
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
string tau0= tau0(tau,p) (auxiliary output file name)


Slope-based tau-p moveout in VTI.
sfptaupmoVTI < inp.rsf dip=dip.rsf ddip=ddip.rsf > nmod.rsf tau0=tau0.rsf cos2=cos2.rsf eps=0.01
file cos2= auxiliary output file name
string ddip= curvature field (auxiliary input file name)
string dip= slope field (auxiliary input file name)
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
string tau0= tau0(tau,p) (auxiliary output file name)


Slope-based velocity transform.
sfpveltran < cmp.rsf dip=dip.rsf > vel.rsf dipt=dipt.rsf half=y nv= v0= dv= interval=n eps=0.1
file dip= auxiliary input file name
file dipt= auxiliary input file name
float dv= velocity sampling
float eps=0.1 stretch regularization
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
bool interval=n [y/n] if y, compute interval velocity
int nv= number of velocities
float v0= velocity origin


Slope-based tau-p 3D velocity transform for elliptical anisotropy.
sfpveltran3 < input.rsf > velx.rsf vely=vely.rsf velxy=velxy.rsf cmp=cmp.rsf dipx=dipx.rsf dipy=dipy.rsf dipxy=dipxy.rsf map=n interval=n nvx= vx0= dvx= nvy=nvx vy0=vx0 dvy=dvx nvxy=101 vxy0=-0.1 dvxy=0.1 nw=4
* The program returns the squared velocity vx,vy,vxy spectra or maps
string cmp= auxiliary input file name
string dipx= auxiliary input file name
string dipxy= auxiliary input file name
string dipy= auxiliary input file name
float dvx= vx squared velocity sampling
float dvxy=0.1 vxy velocity sampling
float dvy=dvx vy squared velocity sampling
bool interval=n [y/n] interval values by 3D stripping equations
bool map=n [y/n] output maps instead of coherency panels
int nvx= number of vx squared velocities
int nvxy=101 number of vxy velocities
int nvy=nvx number of vy squared velocities
int nw=4 interpolator size (2,3,4,6,8)
file velxy= auxiliary output file name
file vely= auxiliary output file name
float vx0= vx squared velocity origin
float vxy0=-0.1 vxy velocity origin
float vy0=vx0 vy squared velocity origin


Slope-based tau-p velocity transform for VTI media.
sfpveltranVTI < tau0.rsf > velN.rsf velH=velH.rsf eta=eta.rsf cmp=cmp.rsf dip=dip.rsf curv=curv.rsf dipt=dipt.rsf tau0t=tau0t.rsf curvt=curvt.rsf map=n nv= v0= dv= nvh=nv vh0=v0 dvh=dv ne=101 e0=-0.5 de=0.01 nw=4 method=
file cmp= auxiliary input file name
string curv= curvature field (required for method=e and method=d) (auxiliary input file name)
string curvt= time derivative of curvature field (required for method=d and method=s) (auxiliary input file name)
float de=0.01 eta sampling
string dip= slope field (required for method=e and method=d) (auxiliary input file name)
string dipt= time derivative of slope field(auxiliary input file name)
float dv= velocity sampling
float dvh=dv HOR velocity sampling
float e0=-0.5 eta origin
file eta= auxiliary output file name
bool map=n [y/n] output maps instead of coherency panels
string method= method to use (stripping,dix,fowler,effective)
int ne=101 number of etas
int nv= number of velocities
int nvh=nv number of HOR velocities
int nw=4 interpolator size (2,3,4,6,8)
string tau0t= tau0 tau derivative field (required for method=f) (auxiliary input file name)
float v0= velocity origin
file velH= auxiliary output file name
float vh0=v0 HOR velocity origin


Pyramid transform
sfpyramid < in.rsf > out.rsf inv=n nu= du=dx u0=x0 eps=0.01
float du=dx
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
bool inv=n [y/n] inversion flag
int nu=
float u0=x0


Radial transform.
sfradial < in.rsf > out.rsf inv=n nw=2 tp=t0 nv= vmin= vmax=
bool inv=n [y/n] if y, do inverse transform
int nv= number of velocities (if inv=n)
int nw=2 accuracy level
float tp=t0
float vmax= maximum velocity (if inv=n)
float vmin= minimum velocity (if inv=n)


Another version of radial transform.
sfradial2 < in.rsf > out.rsf inv=n eps=0.01 tp=t0 nv= vmin= vmax=
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
bool inv=n [y/n] if y, do inverse transform
int nv= number of velocities (if inv=n)
float tp=t0
float vmax= maximum velocity (if inv=n)
float vmin= minimum velocity (if inv=n)


High-resolution Radon transform.
sfradon < in.rsf > out.rsf offset=offset.rsf adj=y inv=adj spk=inv verb=n np= dp= p0= nx= eps=1. ns=1 tol=1.e-6 perc=50.0 ox= dx= parab=n x0=1. niter=100
bool adj=y [y/n] if y, perform adjoint operation
float dp= p sampling (if adj=y)
float dx=
float eps=1.
bool inv=adj [y/n] if y, perform inverse operation
int niter=100
int np= number of p values (if adj=y)
int ns=1 number of sharpening cycles
int nx= number of offsets (if adj=n)
string offset= auxiliary input file name
float ox=
float p0= p origin (if adj=y)
bool parab=n [y/n] if y, parabolic Radon transform
float perc=50.0 percentage for sharpening
bool spk=inv [y/n] if y, use spiking (hi-res) inversion
float tol=1.e-6 inversion tolerance
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag
float x0=1. reference offset


Simple synthetics with random reflectivity.
sfrandrefl > mod.rsf vpvs=vpvs.rsf fo= nr= n1=3501 d1=0.001 o1=0.0 tscale=1. func=
float d1=0.001 time sampling
floats fo= [3]
string func= type of vpvs function
int n1=3501 time length
int nr= number of reflectors
float o1=0.0 time origin
float tscale=1. maximum time
file vpvs= auxiliary output file name


Ray tracing by a Runge-Kutta integrator.
sfrays2 < vel.rsf > rays.rsf shotfile=shots.rsf anglefile=angles.rsf vel=y order=4 nt= dt= sym=y verb=y escvar=n zshot=0. yshot=o[1] + 0.5*(n[1]-1)*d[1] nr= a0=0. amax=360. > rays.rsf
Rays can be plotted with sfplotrays.
float a0=0. minimum angle (if no anglefile)
float amax=360. maximum angle (if no anglefile)
string anglefile= file with initial angles (auxiliary input file name)
float dt= Sampling in time
bool escvar=n [y/n] If y - output escape values, n - trajectories
int nr= number of angles (if no anglefile)
int nt= Number of time steps
int order=4 Interpolation order
string shotfile= file with shot locations (auxiliary input file name)
bool sym=y [y/n] if y, use symplectic integrator
bool vel=y [y/n] If y, input is velocity; if n, slowness
bool verb=y [y/n] Verbosity flag
float yshot=o[1] + 0.5*(n[1]-1)*d[1]
float zshot=0. shot coordinates (if no shotfile)


Ray tracing in VTI media by a Runge-Kutta integrator.
sfrays2a < vz.rsf > rays.rsf shotfile=shots.rsf anglefile=angles.rsf vel=y order=4 nt= dt= verb=y escvar=n zshot=0. yshot=o[1] + 0.5*(n[1]-1)*d[1] nr= a0=0. amax=360. vx= eta= > rays.rsf
Rays can be plotted with sfplotrays.
float a0=0. minimum angle (if no anglefile)
float amax=360. maximum angle (if no anglefile)
string anglefile= file with initial angles (auxiliary input file name)
float dt= Sampling in time
bool escvar=n [y/n] If y - output escape values, n - trajectories
string eta= eta parameter
int nr= number of angles (if no anglefile)
int nt= Number of time steps
int order=4 Interpolation order
string shotfile= file with shot locations (auxiliary input file name)
bool vel=y [y/n] If y, input is velocity; if n, slowness
bool verb=y [y/n] Verbosity flag
string vx= horizontal velocity or slowness
float yshot=o[1] + 0.5*(n[1]-1)*d[1]
float zshot=0. shot coordinates (if no shotfile)


Ray tracing by a Runge-Kutta integrator in 3-D.
sfrays3 < vel.rsf > rays.rsf shotfile=shots.rsf anglefile=angles.rsf vel=y order=4 nt= dt= sym=y escvar=n zshot=o[0] yshot=o[1] + 0.5*(n[1]-1)*d[1] xshot=o[2] + 0.5*(n[2]-1)*d[2] na= nb= a0=0. amax=360. b0=0. bmax=180. > rays.rsf
Rays can be plotted with sfplotrays.
float a0=0. First azimuth angle in degrees (if anglefile is not specified)
float amax=360. Maximum azimuth angle in degrees (if anglefile is not specified)
string anglefile= file with initial angles (auxiliary input file name)
float b0=0. First inclination angle in degrees (if anglefile is not specified)
float bmax=180. Maximum inclination angle in degrees (if anglefile is not specified)
float dt= Sampling in time
bool escvar=n [y/n] If y - output escape values, n - trajectories
int na= Number of azimuths (if anglefile is not specified)
int nb= Number of inclinations (if anglefile is not specified)
int nt= Number of time steps
int order=4 Interpolation order
string shotfile= file with shot locations (auxiliary input file name)
bool sym=y [y/n] if y, use symplectic integrator
bool vel=y [y/n] If y, input is velocity; if n, slowness
float xshot=o[2] + 0.5*(n[2]-1)*d[2] shot location crossline (if shotfile is not specified)
float yshot=o[1] + 0.5*(n[1]-1)*d[1] shot location inline (if shotfile is not specified)
float zshot=o[0] shot location in depth (if shotfile is not specified)


Subtract a reference from a grid.
sfrefer < in.rsf > out.rsf ref=ref.rsf
file ref= auxiliary input file name


Ricker wavelet estimation.
sfricker < in.rsf > out.rsf ma=ma.rsf m=f0+0.25*(na-1)*df niter=100 verb=n
float m=f0+0.25*(na-1)*df initial frequency
file ma= auxiliary output file name
int niter=100 number of iterations
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag


Convolution with a Ricker wavelet.
sfricker1 < in.rsf > out.rsf frequency= freq=0.2 deriv=n

January 2013 program of the month:
bool deriv=n [y/n] apply a half-order derivative filter
float freq=0.2 peak frequency for Ricker wavelet (as fraction of Nyquist)
float frequency= peak frequency for Ricker wavelet (in Hz)


Nonstationary convolution with a Ricker wavelet. Phase and Frequency can be time-varying.
sfricker2 < in.rsf > out.rsf tfreq=tfre.rsf tphase=tpha.rsf frequency= freq=0.2 esp=0. norm=n hiborder=6 hibref=1.
float esp=0. if norm=y, stable parameter
float freq=0.2 peak frequency for Ricker wavelet (as fraction of Nyquist)
float frequency= peak frequency for Ricker wavelet (in Hz)
int hiborder=6 Hilbert transformer order
float hibref=1.
bool norm=n [y/n]
file tfreq= auxiliary input file name
string tphase= auxiliary input file name


Riemannian Wavefield Extrapolation: a,b coefficients
sfrweab < Fi.rsf slo=Fs.rsf > Fo.rsf abr=Fr.rsf verb=n naref=1 nbref=1 peps=0.01
file abr= auxiliary output file name
int naref=1
int nbref=1
float peps=0.01
file slo= auxiliary input file name
bool verb=n [y/n]


Riemannian Wavefield Extrapolation: shot-record migration.
sfrwesrmig abm=Fm.rsf abr=Fr.rsf < Fw_s.rsf > Fw_r.rsf img=Fi.rsf verb=n method=0 adj=n
file abm= auxiliary input file name
file abr= auxiliary input file name
bool adj=n [y/n] y=modeling; n=migration
file img= auxiliary input file name
int method=0 extrapolation method
bool verb=n [y/n]


Riemannian Wavefield Extrapolation: zero-offset modeling/migration
sfrwezomig abm=Fm.rsf abr=Fr.rsf < Fi.rsf > Fd.rsf verb=n method=0 adj=n nw= dw= ow=0.
file abm= auxiliary input file name
file abr= auxiliary input file name
bool adj=n [y/n] y=modeling; n=migration
float dw=
int method=0 extrapolation method
int nw=
float ow=0.
bool verb=n [y/n]


Analytical point-source traveltime in a linear slowness squared model.
sfs2ofz > out.rsf n= g=-6. v0=4 s=0.5
float g=-6. slowness squared gradient
int n= number of samples
float s=0.5 shot location at the surface
float v0=4 initial slowness squared


Analytical plane-wave traveltime in a linear slowness squared model.
sfs2ofz2 > out.rsf n= gz=-6. gx=2. v0=4
float gx=2. slowness squared gradient
float gz=-6.
int n= number of samples
float v0=4 initial slowness squared


Make a trace header file for segywrite.
sfsegyheader < in.rsf > out.rsf n1= d1= o1=0

Use the output for tfile= argument in segywrite.
float d1= trace sampling
int n1= number of samples in a trace
float o1=0 trace origin


Convert a SEG-Y or SU dataset to RSF.
sfsegyread mask=msk.rsf > out.rsf tfile=hdr.rsf verb=n su= suxdr=n endian=y n2=0 format=segyformat (bhead) ns=segyns (bhead) key#= tape= hfile= bfile= read=

Data headers and trace headers are separated from the data.

"suread" is equivalent to "segyread su=y"

SEGY key names:

tracl: trace sequence number within line 0

tracr: trace sequence number within reel 4

fldr: field record number 8

tracf: trace number within field record 12

ep: energy source point number 16

cdp: CDP ensemble number 20

cdpt: trace number within CDP ensemble 24

trid: trace identification code:
1 = seismic data
2 = dead
3 = dummy
4 = time break
5 = uphole
6 = sweep
7 = timing
8 = water break
9---, N = optional use (N = 32,767) 28

nvs: number of vertically summed traces 30

nhs: number of horizontally summed traces 32

duse: data use:
1 = production
2 = test 34

offset: distance from source point to receiver
group (negative if opposite to direction
in which the line was shot) 36

gelev: receiver group elevation from sea level
(above sea level is positive) 40

selev: source elevation from sea level
(above sea level is positive) 44

sdepth: source depth (positive) 48

gdel: datum elevation at receiver group 52

sdel: datum elevation at source 56

swdep: water depth at source 60

gwdep: water depth at receiver group 64

scalel: scale factor for previous 7 entries
with value plus or minus 10 to the
power 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 (if positive,
multiply, if negative divide) 68

scalco: scale factor for next 4 entries
with value plus or minus 10 to the
power 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 (if positive,
multiply, if negative divide) 70

sx: X source coordinate 72

sy: Y source coordinate 76

gx: X group coordinate 80

gy: Y group coordinate 84

counit: coordinate units code:
for previous four entries
1 = length (meters or feet)
2 = seconds of arc (in this case, the
X values are unsigned longitude and the Y values
are latitude, a positive value designates
the number of seconds east of Greenwich
or north of the equator 88

wevel: weathering velocity 90

swevel: subweathering velocity 92

sut: uphole time at source 94

gut: uphole time at receiver group 96

sstat: source static correction 98

gstat: group static correction 100

tstat: total static applied 102

laga: lag time A, time in ms between end of 240-
byte trace identification header and time
break, positive if time break occurs after
end of header, time break is defined as
the initiation pulse which maybe recorded
on an auxiliary trace or as otherwise
specified by the recording system 104

lagb: lag time B, time in ms between the time
break and the initiation time of the energy source,
may be positive or negative 106

delrt: delay recording time, time in ms between
initiation time of energy source and time
when recording of data samples begins
(for deep water work if recording does not
start at zero time) 108

muts: mute time--start 110

mute: mute time--end 112

ns: number of samples in this trace 114

dt: sample interval, in micro-seconds 116

gain: gain type of field instruments code:
1 = fixed
2 = binary
3 = floating point
4 ---- N = optional use 118

igc: instrument gain constant 120

igi: instrument early or initial gain 122

corr: correlated:
1 = no
2 = yes 124

sfs: sweep frequency at start 126

sfe: sweep frequency at end 128

slen: sweep length in ms 130

styp: sweep type code:
1 = linear
2 = cos-squared
3 = other 132

stas: sweep trace length at start in ms 134

stae: sweep trace length at end in ms 136

tatyp: taper type: 1=linear, 2=cos^2, 3=other 138

afilf: alias filter frequency if used 140

afils: alias filter slope 142

nofilf: notch filter frequency if used 144

nofils: notch filter slope 146

lcf: low cut frequency if used 148

hcf: high cut frequncy if used 150

lcs: low cut slope 152

hcs: high cut slope 154

year: year data recorded 156

day: day of year 158

hour: hour of day (24 hour clock) 160

minute: minute of hour 162

sec: second of minute 164

timbas: time basis code:
1 = local
2 = GMT
3 = other 166

trwf: trace weighting factor, defined as 1/2^N
volts for the least sigificant bit 168

grnors: geophone group number of roll switch
position one 170

grnofr: geophone group number of trace one within
original field record 172

grnlof: geophone group number of last trace within
original field record 174

gaps: gap size (total number of groups dropped) 176

otrav: overtravel taper code:
1 = down (or behind)
2 = up (or ahead) 178

cdpx: X coordinate of CDP 180

cdpy: Y coordinate of CDP 184

iline: in-line number 188

xline: cross-line number 192

shnum: shotpoint number 196

shsca: shotpoint scalar 200

tval: trace value meas. 202

tconst4: transduction const 204

tconst2: transduction const 208

tunits: transduction units 210

device: device identifier 212

tscalar: time scalar 214

stype: source type 216

sendir: source energy dir. 218

unknown: unknown 222

smeas4: source measurement 224

smeas2: source measurement 228

smeasu: source measurement unit 230

unass1: unassigned 232

unass2: unassigned 236
string bfile= output binary data header file
bool endian=y [y/n] Whether to automatically estimate endianness or not
int format=segyformat (bhead) [1,2,3,5] Data format. The default is taken from binary header.
1 is IBM floating point
2 is 4-byte integer
3 is 2-byte integer
5 is IEEE floating point
string hfile= output text data header file
string key#= extra key for trace headers
string mask= optional header mask for reading only selected traces (auxiliary input file name)
int n2=0 number of traces to read (if 0, read all traces)
int ns=segyns (bhead) Number of samples. The default is taken from binary header
string read= what to read: h - header, d - data, b - both (default)
bool su= [y/n] y if input is SU, n if input is SEGY
bool suxdr=n [y/n] y, SU has XDR support
string tape= input data
string tfile= output trace header file (auxiliary output file name)
bool verb=n [y/n] Verbosity flag


Convert an RSF dataset to SEGY or SU.
sfsegywrite < in.rsf tfile=hdr.rsf verb=n endian=y su= suxdr=n suxdr=n tape= hfile= bfile=

Merges trace headers with data.

"suwrite" is equivalent to "segywrite su=y"
string bfile= input binary data header file
bool endian=y [y/n] Whether to automatically estimate endianness or not
string hfile= input text data header file
bool su= [y/n] y if input is SU, n if input is SEGY
bool suxdr=n [y/n] y, SU has XDR support
string tape= output data
file tfile= auxiliary input file name
bool verb=n [y/n] Verbosity flag


Multiple shifts.
sfshifts < inp.rsf > out.rsf np= dp= p0=
float dp= slope sampling
int np= number of slopes
float p0= first slope


2-D ray shooting.
sfshoot2 < vel.rsf > out.rsf shotfile=shots.rsf vel=y order=4 nt=nx*nz nr=1 r0=x0 dr=dx tol=0.01
float dr=dx receiver increment
int nr=1 number of recievers
int nt=nx*nz Maximum number of time steps
int order=4 Interpolation order
float r0=x0 first receiver
string shotfile= file with shot locations (auxiliary input file name)
float tol=0.01 Shooting tolerance (in degrees)
bool vel=y [y/n] If y, the input is velocity; if n, slowness


Convert shots to CMPs for regular 2-D geometry.
sfshot2cmp < in.rsf > out.rsf mask=msk.rsf positive=y half=y

The axes in the input are {time,offset,shot}
The axes in the output are {time,offset,midpoint}
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
string mask= auxiliary output file name
bool positive=y [y/n] initial offset orientation


Prestack shot-profile Kirchhoff migration in constant velocity.
sfshotconstkirch < inp.rsf > out.rsf aal=y nx=ns dx=ds x0=s0 offset=n vel=

Requires the input to be in (time,offset,shot)
bool aal=y [y/n] if y, apply antialiasing
float dx=ds
int nx=ns
bool offset=n [y/n] if y, the output is in offset
float vel= velocity
float x0=s0


Remove random shot gathers from a 2-D dataset.
sfshotholes < in.rsf > mask.rsf perc=0.75
float perc=0.75 how many shots to remove


Shot propagation.
sfshotprop < in.rsf > out.rsf ns= ds= eps=0.1 positive=y
float ds= shot sampling
float eps=0.1 regularization parameter
int ns= number of shots
bool positive=y [y/n] initial offset orientation


Simple operations with complex sinusoids
sfsin < in.rsf > out.rsf root=root.rsf mask=mask.rsf adj=n verb=n niter=0 rect=1 perc=50. eps=1./n1 oper= type=
bool adj=n [y/n] adjoint flag
float eps=1./n1 scaling for shaping inversion
string mask= missing data interpolation (auxiliary input file name)
int niter=0 number of iterations
string oper= operation to perform
float perc=50. percentage for thresholding (used when oper=t and niter > 0)
int rect=1
file root= auxiliary input file name
string type= [haar,linear,biortho] type of the seislet transform
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag


Time-space-domain Radon transform (slant stack)
sfslant < in.rsf > out.rsf verb=n adj=n rho=y anti=1. np= dp= p0= x0= dx= nx= p1=0.
bool adj=n [y/n] adjoint flag
float anti=1. antialiasing
float dp= p sampling (if adj=y)
float dx= offset sampling
int np= number of p values (if adj=y)
int nx= number of offsets
float p0= p origin (if adj=y)
float p1=0. reference slope
bool rho=y [y/n] rho filtering
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag
float x0= offset origin


3-D S/R WEMVA with extended split-step
sfsrmva slo=Bs.rsf swf=Bw_s.rsf rwf=Bw_r.rsf < Pi.rsf > Ps.rsf verb=y eps=0.01 adj=n twoway=y nrmax=1 dtmax=0.004 pmx=0 pmy=0 tmx=0 tmy=0
bool adj=n [y/n] y=ADJ scat; n=FWD scat
float dtmax=0.004 max time error
float eps=0.01 stability parameter
int nrmax=1 max number of refs
int pmx=0 padding on x
int pmy=0 padding on y
file rwf= auxiliary input file name
file slo= auxiliary input file name
file swf= auxiliary input file name
int tmx=0 taper on x
int tmy=0 taper on y
bool twoway=y [y/n] two-way traveltime
bool verb=y [y/n] verbosity flag


Synthesize shot/receiver wavefields for 3-D SR migration
sfsrsyn < Fr.rsf wav=Fs.rsf swf=Fsw.rsf > Frw.rsf nx= dx= ox= ny=1 dy=1 oy=0
float dx= x sampling
float dy=1 y sampling
int nx= x samples
int ny=1 y samples
float ox= x origin
float oy=0 y origin
file swf= auxiliary output file name
file wav= auxiliary input file name


3-D post-stack modeling/migration with extended split step.
sfsstep2 < in.rsf > out.rsf slowness=vel.rsf inv=n verb=n eps=0.01 nt=1 nr=1 padx=0 pady=0 dt=0.004 nw= dw= w0=0.
float dt=0.004 time error
float dw= Frequency sampling (for modeling)
float eps=0.01 stability parameter
bool inv=n [y/n] If y, modeling; if n, migration
int nr=1 maximum number of references
int nt=1 taper size
int nw= Length of frequency axis (for modeling)
int padx=0 cross-line padding
int pady=0 in-line padding
file slowness= auxiliary input file name
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag
float w0=0. Frequency origin (for modeling)


Post-stack Stolt modeling/migration.
sfstolt < in.rsf > out.rsf vel= pad=nt extend=4 mute=12 minstr=0.0

Requires the input to be cosine-transformed over the lateral axes.
int extend=4 trace extension
float minstr=0.0 minimum stretch allowed
int mute=12 mute zone
int pad=nt padding on the time axis
float vel= Constant velocity (use negative velocity for modeling)


Post-stack Stolt modeling/migration.
sfstolt2 < in.rsf > out.rsf vel= pad=nt nf=2

Requires the input to be cosine-transformed over the lateral axes.
int nf=2 Interpolation accuracy
int pad=nt padding on the time axis
float vel= Constant velocity (use negative velocity for modeling)


Stolt stretch.
sfstoltstretch < in.rsf > st.rsf velocity=vel.rsf inv=n nstretch=1 pad=nt eps=0.01 vel=
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
bool inv=n [y/n] if y, inverse stretch
int nstretch=1 number of steps
int pad=nt time axis padding
float vel= reference velocity
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


Stretch of the time axis.
sfstretch < in.rsf > out.rsf datum=dat.rsf inv=n dens=1 verb=y v0= half=y CDPtype= delay= tdelay= hdelay= scale= nout=dens*n1 extend=4 mute=0 maxstr=0 rule=
int CDPtype=
file datum= auxiliary input file name
float delay= time delay for rule=lmo
int dens=1 axis stretching factor
int extend=4 trace extension
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
float hdelay= offset delay for rule=rad
bool inv=n [y/n] if y, do inverse stretching
float maxstr=0 maximum stretch
int mute=0 tapering size
int nout=dens*n1 output axis length (if inv=n)
string rule= Stretch rule:
n - constant-velocity normal moveout (nmostretch), default
l - linear moveout (lmostretch)
L - logarithmic stretch (logstretch)
2 - t^2 stretch (t2stretch)
c - t^2 chebyshev stretch (t2chebstretch)
r - radial moveout (radstretch)
d - datuming (datstretch)
s - s*t scaling stretch (scalestretch)
float scale= scaling factor for rule=scale
float tdelay= time delay for rule=rad
float v0= moveout velocity
bool verb=y [y/n] verbosity flag


tangent to angle transformation
sftan2ang < Fstk.rsf > Fang.rsf velocity=velocity.rsf na=nt da=90/(nt-1) a0=0. extend=4 top=n
float a0=0.
float da=90/(nt-1)
int extend=4 tmp extension
int na=nt
bool top=n [y/n]
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


Normal moveout in tau-p domain.
sftaupmo < taup.rsf velocity=velocity.rsf > nmod.rsf slope=slope.rsf velx=velocityx.rsf mute=12 str=0.5 extend=4 interval=y
int extend=4 interpolation accuracy
bool interval=y [y/n] use interval velocity
int mute=12 mute zone
string slope= auxiliary input file name
float str=0.5 maximum stretch
file velocity= auxiliary input file name
string velx= auxiliary input file name


Time-to-depth conversion in V(z).
sftime2depth < in.rsf velocity=velocity.rsf > out.rsf intime=n nz= dz= z0=0. extend=4 slow=n twoway=y eps=0.01
float dz= Depth sampling (default: d1)
float eps=0.01 stretch regularization
int extend=4 Interpolation accuracy
bool intime=n [y/n] y if velocity is in time rather than depth
int nz= Number of depth samples (default: n1)
bool slow=n [y/n] If y, input slowness; if n, velocity
bool twoway=y [y/n] if y, two-way traveltime
file velocity= auxiliary input file name
float z0=0. Depth origin


SS(t-lag) to angle transformation (PP or PS waves)
sftlagtoang2d < Fstk.rsf > Fang.rsf vpvs=Fgam.rsf dip=Fdip.rsf vel=Fvel.rsf verb=n inv=n na=sf_n(as) da=1./(sf_n(as)-1) oa=0. extend=4
float da=1./(sf_n(as)-1)
file dip= auxiliary input file name
int extend=4 tmp extension
bool inv=n [y/n] inverse transformation flag
int na=sf_n(as)
float oa=0.
file vel= auxiliary input file name
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag
file vpvs= auxiliary input file name


Compute angle gathers for time-shift imaging condition
sftshift < Fstk.rsf velocity=Fvel.rsf dip=Fdip.rsf > Fang.rsf na=nv da=1./(nv-1) a0=0. extend=4 cos=n
float a0=0.
bool cos=n [y/n] if n, convert pseudo-v to pseudo-tan(theta);
if y, compute cos(theta) from 1/|pm|
float da=1./(nv-1)
file dip= auxiliary input file name
int extend=4 tmp extension
int na=nv
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


Normal moveout in TXP domain.
sftxpnmo < cmp.rsf velocity=velocity.rsf > nmod.rsf str=0.5 mute=12 extend=4
int extend=4 trace extension
int mute=12 mute zone
float str=0.5 maximum stretch allowed
file velocity= auxiliary input file name


Velocity analysis using T-X-P domain.
sftxpscan < cmp.rsf > scan.rsf v0= dv= nv= extend=4 mute=12 str=0.5 smin=1.0 smax=2.0
float dv= step in velocity
int extend=4 trace extension
int mute=12 mute zone
int nv= number of scanned velocities
float smax=2.0 maximum heterogeneity
float smin=1.0 minimum heterogeneity
float str=0.5 maximum stretch allowed
float v0= first scanned velocity


Velocity transform.
sfvelmod < scan.rsf > cmp.rsf half=y extend=4 slowness=n

Inverse of sfvscan.
int extend=4 trace extension
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
bool slowness=n [y/n] if y, use slowness instead of velocity


Hyperbolic Radon transform
sfveltran < in.rsf > out.rsf adj=n anti=1. s02=0. pull=y
bool adj=n [y/n] adjoint flag
float anti=1. antialiasing
bool pull=y [y/n] pull or push operator
float s02=0. reference slowness squared (for antialiasing)


V(t) function for a linear V(Z) profile.
sfvoft < in.rsf > out.rsf v0=1.5 alpha=0.5
float alpha=0.5 velocity gradient
float v0=1.5 initial velocity


Analytical traveltime in a linear V(z) model.
sfvofz > out.rsf n1= n= n2= n= g=1. v0=0.5 s=0.5 d1=0.5/(n1-1) d2=1./(n2-1) o1=0. o2=0. intime=n
float d1=0.5/(n1-1) vertical sampling
float d2=1./(n2-1) horizontal sampling
float g=1. velocity gradient
bool intime=n [y/n] if in vertical time coordinates
int n= number of samples
int n1= vertical samples
int n2= horizontal samples
float o1=0. vertical origin
float o2=0. horizontal origin
float s=0.5 shot location at the surface
float v0=0.5 initial velocity


Velocity analysis.
sfvscan < cmp.rsf > scan.rsf offset=offset.rsf mask=msk.rsf grad=grd.rsf semblance=n diffsemblance=n avosemblance=n nb=2 weight=y half=y smax=2.0 ns=1 slowness=n squared=n v1= extend=4 mute=12 str=0.5 v0= dv= nv= v1= type=

Inverse of sfvelmod
bool avosemblance=n [y/n] if y, compute AVO-friendly semblance
bool diffsemblance=n [y/n] if y, compute differential semblance
float dv= step in velocity
int extend=4 trace extension
string grad= auxiliary input file name
bool half=y [y/n] if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset
string mask= optional mask file (auxiliary input file name)
int mute=12 mute zone
int nb=2 semblance averaging
int ns=1 number of heterogeneity scans
int nv= number of scanned velocities
string offset= auxiliary input file name
bool semblance=n [y/n] if y, compute semblance; if n, stack
bool slowness=n [y/n] if y, use slowness instead of velocity
float smax=2.0 maximum heterogeneity
bool squared=n [y/n] if y, the slowness or velocity is squared
float str=0.5 maximum stretch allowed
string type= type of semblance (avo,diff,sembl,power,weighted)
float v0= first scanned velocity
float v1= reference velocity
bool weight=y [y/n] if y, apply pseudo-unitary weighting


SS(x-lag) to angle transformation (PP or PS waves)
sfxlagtoang2d < Fstk.rsf > Fang.rsf vpvs=Fgam.rsf dip=Fdip.rsf verb=n inv=n na=sf_n(axs) da=1./(sf_n(axs)-1) oa=0. extend=4
float da=1./(sf_n(axs)-1)
file dip= auxiliary input file name
int extend=4 tmp extension
bool inv=n [y/n] inverse transformation flag
int na=sf_n(axs)
float oa=0.
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag
file vpvs= auxiliary input file name


Testing Zoeppritz equation
sfzoeppritz > out.rsf na=90 a0=0. da=90./na icoef=1 vp1= vp2= vs1= vs2= rho1=1. rho2=1. incp=y outp=y refl=y
float a0=0. first angle
float da=90./na angle increment
int icoef=1 [1,2,3] particle displacement, displacement potential, or energy
bool incp=y [y/n] incident P (or S)
int na=90 number of angles
bool outp=y [y/n] rellected/transmitted P (or S)
bool refl=y [y/n] reflection or transmission
float rho1=1.
float rho2=1.
float vp1=
float vp2=
float vs1=
float vs2=


3-D zero-offset modeling/migration with extended split-step
sfzomig slo=Fs.rsf < Fd.rsf > Fw.rsf < Fi.rsf verb=n incore=y eps=0.01 inv=n causal=n twoway=y nrmax=1 dtmax=0.004 pmx=0 pmy=0 tmx=0 tmy=0 nw= dw= ow=0. mode=
To be deprecated in favor of zomig3
bool causal=n [y/n] y=causal; n=anti-causal
float dtmax=0.004 time error
float dw=
float eps=0.01 stability parameter
bool incore=y [y/n] in core execution
bool inv=n [y/n] y=modeling; n=migration
string mode=
int nrmax=1 maximum references
int nw=
float ow=0.
int pmx=0 padding on x
int pmy=0 padding on y
file slo= auxiliary input file name
int tmx=0 taper on x
int tmy=0 taper on y
bool twoway=y [y/n] two-way traveltime
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag


3-D zero-offset WEMVA
sfzomva slo=Bs.rsf wfl=Bw.rsf < Pi.rsf > Ps.rsf verb=n eps=0.01 inv=n twoway=y nrmax=1 dtmax=0.004 pmx=0 pmy=0 tmx=0 tmy=0
float dtmax=0.004 time error
float eps=0.01 stability parameter
bool inv=n [y/n] y=modeling; n=migration
int nrmax=1 maximum number of references
int pmx=0 padding on x
int pmy=0 padding on y
file slo= auxiliary input file name
int tmx=0 taper on x
int tmy=0 taper on y
bool twoway=y [y/n] two-way traveltime
bool verb=n [y/n] verbosity flag
file wfl= auxiliary input file name