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m (Correction from 2009-04-04 Vladimir rsf-user e-mail)
Line 21: Line 21:
Result('cosxpy','grey color=j')
Result('cosxpy','grey color=j')
# Prepare data for Gnuplot
# Prepare input for Gnuplot (ASCII file with data)

Revision as of 00:42, 26 June 2009

Gnuplot is included by default in the vast majority of Linux distributions and is also more flexible in certain ways than GLE.

Example SConstruct, that follows the one in the GLE example: <python> from rsfproj import *

o1=-2 o2=-2 n1=41 n2=41 d1=0.1 d2=0.1


   math o1=%g o2=%g n1=%d n2=%d d1=%g d2=%g
    % (o1,o2,n1,n2,d1,d2))

Result('cosxpy','grey color=j')

  1. Prepare input for Gnuplot (ASCII file with data)


   disfil number=n col=%d
    % n2)
  1. Draw surfaces

Result('cosxpy_iso','cosxpy_bsurf.gp cosxpy.z',

     gnuplot | epstopdf --filter

End() </python> On some systems, the actual executable is not gnuplot, but gnuplot-minimal. Another dependency is the epstopdf utility, which is a part of LaTeX installation, usually. Gnuplot scripts can render the isometric view in slightly different ways. Three examples of Gnuplot scripts, and the images produced by each, follow:


set terminal postscript eps enhanced color
set output

set title "Hat function (3D)"
set xtics ("-2" 0, "-1" 10, "0" 20, "1" 30, "2" 40) out
set ytics ("-2" 0, "-1" 10, "0" 20, "1" 30, "2" 40) out
set ztics out
set zrange [-1.5:1.5]
set ztics 0.5
set xlabel "X-axis"
set ylabel "Y-axis"
set zlabel "Z-axis" offset 3,-1
set ticslevel 0.5
set palette defined (-1 "blue", 0 "white", 1 "red")
set pm3d at b
splot "cosxpy.z" matrix with lines notitle

Gnuplot bsurf.png


set terminal postscript eps enhanced color
set output

set title "Hat function (3D)"
set xtics ("-2" 0, "-1" 10, "0" 20, "1" 30, "2" 40) out
set ytics ("-2" 0, "-1" 10, "0" 20, "1" 30, "2" 40) out
set ztics out
set zrange [-1.5:1.5]
set ztics 0.5
set xlabel "X-axis"
set ylabel "Y-axis"
set zlabel "Z-axis" offset 3,-1
set ticslevel 0.5
set cntrparam levels auto 12
set contour base
set hidden3d offset 0
splot "cosxpy.z" matrix with lines notitle

Gnuplot cont.png


set terminal postscript eps enhanced color
set output

set title "Hat function (3D)"
set xtics ("-2" 0, "-1" 10, "0" 20, "1" 30, "2" 40) out
set ytics ("-2" 0, "-1" 10, "0" 20, "1" 30, "2" 40) out
set ztics out
set zrange [-1.5:1.5]
set ztics 0.5
set xlabel "X-axis"
set ylabel "Y-axis"
set zlabel "Z-axis" offset 3,-1
set ticslevel 0.5
set palette defined (-1 "blue", 0 "white", 1 "red")
set pm3d at bs
splot "cosxpy.z" matrix with pm3d notitle

Gnuplot surf.png