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In this workshop, we explore the role of OSS in geosciences and seek to better understand the usage and development
In this workshop, we explore the role of OSS in geosciences and seek to better understand the usage and development
of open source software for geoscience research in industry and academia. We will review the progress in the development
of open source software for geoscience research in industry and academia. We will review the progress in the development
and adoption of OSS which has occurred since the first EAGE workshop on this subject in Vienna in 2006.<br><br>
and adoption of OSS which has occurred since the first EAGE workshop on this subject in Vienna in 2006.
{| align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"  
{| align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"  
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Workshop Introduction
! colspan="4" style="background:#ffdead;" | Workshop Introduction
| 09:00
| 09:00
! Joe Dellinger (BP)  
! F. Broggini (ETH Zürich), S. Fomel (University of Texas at Austin), and T. Günther (LIAG Hannover, Germany)
| A short history of E&P open source
| Workshop Introduction
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8Ymc2aVRHcjd6Q1k slides]
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Keynote
! colspan="4" style="background:#ffdead;" | Learning from the Past
| 09:15
| 09:10
! Victoria Stodden (Columbia University)  
! M.K. Tingdahl* (dGB Earth Sciences) & P. de Groot (dGB Earth Sciences)  
| The central role of geophysics in the reproducible research movement
| How to Create a Viable Business around Open Source Software
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8SkdXTEVvektlY2c Abstract]
| [http://ahay.org/wikilocal/docs/vienna2016/A02.pptx slides]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8THJyZFVjbV94aGM Slides]
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Poster Introductions
| 09:30
! S. Fomel* (University of Texas at Austin)
| Madagascar Open-source Software Project - 10 Years Later
| [http://ahay.org/wikilocal/docs/vienna2016/A03.pptx slides]
| 09:45 
| 10:10
! Bjorn Olofsson (Seabird Exploration)
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Coffee Break
| SeaSeis: a simple open-source seismic data processing system
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8UUlheFI5NktUb0dGazdTdTBYOUFRdw Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8ajAtRjNwWEpVNDA Poster]
| 09:50 
! Nick Tanushev (Z-Terra)
| Comparison of open source seismic processing systems
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8YThZNXhUUUFSX0dnVVFPMjJPbk5mZw Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8TF9GUlJnZ3h5RVk Poster]
| 09:55
! Chuck Mosher (ConocoPhillips)
| Parallel I/O and computing in JavaSeis
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8eVpkX1ZlTzBUcDZpc3gyNDZFWDRkUQ Abstract]
| 10:00
| 10:30 
! Ricardo Biloti (UNICAMP)
! J.C. Shragge* (University of Western Australia) & T. Potter (University of Western Australia)
| GeBR: a free seismic processing interface
| Leveraging the Madagascar Framework for Reproducible Large-scale Cluster and Cloud Computing
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8T3FIM2hkMHFTR2VXNWJmSk1XcnVkdw Abstract]
| [http://ahay.org/wikilocal/docs/vienna2016/A04.pdf slides]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8UkJLcmJZVWZZWW8 Slides]
  [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8RWF6OWtuQkJGU1E Poster]
| 10:05
| 10:50
! German Garabito (UFRN)
! R.G. Clapp* (Stanford University)
| BotoSeis: an Interactive interface for seismic processing with Seismic Unix
| SEPlib - Push vs. pull and Parallelism
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8VWwtdzVNR1pUVUdic213YVNTYVVoQQ Abstract]
| 10:10
| 11:10
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Poster Viewing
! W. Symes* (Rice University)
| Mathematical Fidelity and Open Source Libraries for Large Scale Simulation and Optimization
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | The Open Source Trend in Geophysics
| [http://ahay.org/wikilocal/docs/vienna2016/A06.pdf slides]
| 10:40
! Charles Jones (BG)
| Enhancing geophysical data analysis with open-source software
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8MkFDSDh2WnhSQldSbmNFZVpWdXc3UQ Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8dkFDTkxPZVAtMDA Slides]
| 11:00
! Helene Huck (dGB)  
| The road to open source: sharing a ten years experience in building OpendTect,<br>the open source seismic interpretation software
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8VWxZTGxDOGpUWi1TYW1URnV1LWRhdw Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8c0d1Njk5RkE5Ujg Slides]
| 11:20
! Matt Hall (Agile Geoscience)
| Open mobile geocomputing
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8RVNyNUpXaWhUNEN4ZUFYYXBBZTVzdw Abstract]
| [http://www.agilegeoscience.com/journal/2012/7/27/the-evolution-of-open-mobile-geocomputing.html video]
| 11:40
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Morning Wrap Up
| 11:45
| 11:30
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Lunch
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Panel discussion
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Reproducibility
| 12:00
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Lunch break
| 12:50
! colspan="4" style="background:#ffdead;" | New Developments
! Sergey Fomel (University of Texas at Austin)
! colspan="2" | Madagascar open-source project -- Six years later
| [http://reproducibility.org/wikilocal/docs/copenhagen.pdf Slides] (8.3M)
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Poster Introductions
| 13:00
! J.W. Stockwell* (Colorado School of Mines)
| OpenSeaSeis - A Simple Open-source Seismic Data Processing System
| 13:10
| 13:15
! Akshay Gulati (CGGVeritas)  
! A. Gokhberg* (ETH Zurich), S. Simutė (ETH Zurich) & A. Fichtner (ETH Zurich)
| Processing and attribute analysis of low-frequency Blackfoot data
| SES3D - An Open-source Package for Seismic Waveform Modelling and Inversion
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8aXVIWnZsRTJRdkN0ajJWQVJiMFFJUQ Abstract]
| 13:15
| 13:30
! Karl Schleicher (University of Texas at Austin)
! E.Y. Lee* (University of Vienna), J. Novotny (Brown University) & M. Wagreich (University of Vienna)
| Open data library with open software scripts
| BasinVis 1.0 - A MATLAB-based Program to Visualize Sedimentary Basin Fill and Subsidence
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8dm81QzdWM2lUdVNkT0I2MGlSNi1zQQ Abstract]
| [http://ahay.org/wikilocal/docs/vienna2016/B03.pdf slides]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8T0NNWE9QVEswbms Slides]
| 13:20
| 13:45
! Abdullatif A Al-Shuhail
! R.G. Guibert (INP-IMFT), P.H. Horgue (INP-IMFT) & G.D. Debenest* (INPT-IMFT)
| Processing of seismic reflection data using Matlab
| Open Source Toolbox for Fluid Mechanisms
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8azFkU2VPTTBTT085MXZ6Z3ZhRk8wQQ Abstract]
| [http://ahay.org/wikilocal/docs/vienna2016/B04.pdf slides]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8c0lNY1JDdE9ERjQ Slides]
| 13:25
| 14:00
! Thomas Lasseter (GeoCloud Systems)  
! C. Rücker* (Technische Universität Berlin), T. Günther (LIAG Hannover, Germany) & F. Wagner (GFZ Potsdam, Germany)
| An open-source real time data model and database
| PyGIMLi - An Open Source Python Library for Inversion and Modelling in Geophysics
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8YjdlQXpTMHRTTG1ad3B5TUxMNWd4dw Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8V0owMUM2emM2TzA Slides]
| 13:30
| 14:15
! Joe Dellinger (BP)  
! R.J. Hewitt (Total) & L. Demanet* (MIT)
| BP's experience with open-source software and open datasets
| PySIT, the Python Seismic Imaging Toolbox
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8WG9Md05yc0tTZTZURVVrNWtLenluUQ Abstract]
| [http://ahay.org/wikilocal/docs/vienna2016/B06.pdf slides]
| 14:30
| 13:40
! K.A. Stanton (University of Alberta), M.D. Sacchi (University of Alberta) & N. Kazemi* (University of Alberta)
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Poster Viewing
| Seismic Data Analysis in Julia
| [http://ahay.org/wikilocal/docs/vienna2016/B07.pdf slides]
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Processing Systems and Frameworks
| 14:45
! E. Haber* (UBC)
| jInv, a Julia Package for Paralell Solutions of Inverse Problems
| 14:15
| 15:00
! John Stockwell (Colorado School of Mines)
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Coffee Break
| A course in geophysical imaging processing using Seismic Unix
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8QmVJNG9YaW9RNHlzT01ITm5sYjZnUQ Abstract]
| 14:35
! colspan="4" style="background:#ffdead;" | Community building
! Robert Clapp (Stanford University)
| SEPlib
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8Zlc1ZlExS1FSc1NPWFk5WHRaN1FqUQ Abstract]
| 14:55
| 15:10
! William Symes (Rice University)
! M. Hall* (Agile Geoscience)
| Frameworks for modeling and inversion
| Eight Strategies for Revolutionizing the Open Geoscience Ecosystem
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8T0ZZZElfeEZRQWUwekFYaVNqVFM5QQ Abstract]
| [http://ahay.org/wikilocal/docs/vienna2016/C01.pdf slides]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8Tk00LWlDandJdjA Slides]
| 15:15
| 15:30
! Didrik Pinte (Enthought)
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Panel discussion
| Python for Geophysical data processing and Visualization
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8MUZTQ2NYQU9SWWFidEFFYXBERE9iQQ Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8d3BTMEI2a1U5NGM Slides]
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Data Blitz
| 16:00
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Wrap up and closing
| 15:35
! colspan="2" style="background:#efefef;" | Lightning talks, open presentations each less than 5 minutes (Karl Schleicher timekeeper)<br>Signup for a spot!
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8RlN6NWdXSVRUSmk3MDZQY3JNZ2FyZw Abstract]
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Panel
| 16:00  
! colspan="2" style="background:#efefef;" | Challenges facing open source software developers and users (Tariq Alkhalifah moderator)
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8a2EwY1F4R0tRdHF6S3lVQ2xBQkFtZw Abstract]
=== Reports on the workshop ===
=== Reports on the workshop ===
Links to Matt Hall's blog: [http://www.agilegeoscience.com/blog/2016/5/31/open-source-fwi-i-mean-geoscience Open source FWI, I mean geoscience]
Links to Matt Hall's blog: [http://www.agilegeoscience.com/blog/2016/5/31/open-source-fwi-i-mean-geoscience Open source FWI, I mean geoscience]
and [http://www.agilegeoscience.com/blog/2016/6/1/open-source-geoscience-is- Open Source geoscience is]<br><br>
and [http://www.agilegeoscience.com/blog/2016/6/1/open-source-geoscience-is- Open Source geoscience is].<br><br>

Latest revision as of 08:03, 11 August 2016


EAGE Workshop Open-source Software in Applied Geosciences

Monday 30 June, 2016 9:00 – 16:00 hrs

Workshop description

Open-source Software in Applied Geosciences

Convenors: Filippo Broggini (ETH Zürich), Sergey Fomel (University of Texas at Austin), Thomas Günther (LIAG), and Russell Hewett (Total)

Open-source software (OSS) has become increasingly important to the advancement of the field of applied geoscience. In this workshop, we explore the role of OSS in geosciences and seek to better understand the usage and development of open source software for geoscience research in industry and academia. We will review the progress in the development and adoption of OSS which has occurred since the first EAGE workshop on this subject in Vienna in 2006.


Workshop Introduction
09:00 F. Broggini (ETH Zürich), S. Fomel (University of Texas at Austin), and T. Günther (LIAG Hannover, Germany) Workshop Introduction
Learning from the Past
09:10 M.K. Tingdahl* (dGB Earth Sciences) & P. de Groot (dGB Earth Sciences) How to Create a Viable Business around Open Source Software slides
09:30 S. Fomel* (University of Texas at Austin) Madagascar Open-source Software Project - 10 Years Later slides
10:10 Coffee Break
10:30 J.C. Shragge* (University of Western Australia) & T. Potter (University of Western Australia) Leveraging the Madagascar Framework for Reproducible Large-scale Cluster and Cloud Computing slides
10:50 R.G. Clapp* (Stanford University) SEPlib - Push vs. pull and Parallelism
11:10 W. Symes* (Rice University) Mathematical Fidelity and Open Source Libraries for Large Scale Simulation and Optimization slides
11:30 Panel discussion
12:00 Lunch break
New Developments
13:00 J.W. Stockwell* (Colorado School of Mines) OpenSeaSeis - A Simple Open-source Seismic Data Processing System
13:15 A. Gokhberg* (ETH Zurich), S. Simutė (ETH Zurich) & A. Fichtner (ETH Zurich) SES3D - An Open-source Package for Seismic Waveform Modelling and Inversion
13:30 E.Y. Lee* (University of Vienna), J. Novotny (Brown University) & M. Wagreich (University of Vienna) BasinVis 1.0 - A MATLAB-based Program to Visualize Sedimentary Basin Fill and Subsidence slides
13:45 R.G. Guibert (INP-IMFT), P.H. Horgue (INP-IMFT) & G.D. Debenest* (INPT-IMFT) Open Source Toolbox for Fluid Mechanisms slides
14:00 C. Rücker* (Technische Universität Berlin), T. Günther (LIAG Hannover, Germany) & F. Wagner (GFZ Potsdam, Germany) PyGIMLi - An Open Source Python Library for Inversion and Modelling in Geophysics
14:15 R.J. Hewitt (Total) & L. Demanet* (MIT) PySIT, the Python Seismic Imaging Toolbox slides
14:30 K.A. Stanton (University of Alberta), M.D. Sacchi (University of Alberta) & N. Kazemi* (University of Alberta) Seismic Data Analysis in Julia slides
14:45 E. Haber* (UBC) jInv, a Julia Package for Paralell Solutions of Inverse Problems
15:00 Coffee Break
Community building
15:10 M. Hall* (Agile Geoscience) Eight Strategies for Revolutionizing the Open Geoscience Ecosystem slides
15:30 Panel discussion
16:00 Wrap up and closing

Reports on the workshop

Links to Matt Hall's blog: Open source FWI, I mean geoscience and Open Source geoscience is.