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Scripted Examples

To build the intermediate data and figures for the examples described here,, Note that the finest (2.5 m) grid consists of roughly 10 million gridpoints. Consequently the modeling runs collectively take a considerable time, from a minutes to a substantial fraction of an hour depending on platform, on a single thred. This example is computationally large enough that parallelism via domain decomposition is worthwhile. IWAVE is designed from the ground up to support parallel computation; a companion report will demonstrate parallel use of IWAVE.

Inspection of the SConstruct file in data will show that the modeling tool used is $TOP/asg/main/asg.x, the IWAVE acoustic modeling command (in Madagascar Flows, this command is referenced simply as asg, which is an alias for $RSFROOT/bin/sfasg, where $RSFROOT is an alias for the Madagascar install directory). Input data is supplied by a parameter list, stored in a file. The model-building tool standardmodel builds the velocity and density model files, and works the same way - many of the parameter files in the data directory are input for this tool.

Both the IWAVE acoustic modeling command and standardmodel self-doc in the style of SU or Madagascar. For modeling command, the self-doc is deprecated in favor of the web documentation mentioned above.

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